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Blog Entry from First Wives World

I’m Being Taken For a Joyride!


Some people have a lot of nerve!

I know I’m beginning to sound like a broken record but I lowered the price of my house again the other day. Hours after the price change took effect and was broadcast to all the local real estate agents via what they’ve coined the “hot sheet,” guess who calls my agent? The agent for the family of three.

In case you forgot, this is the family that I’d been negotiating with for weeks. Finally, after a lot of back and forth, I agreed to their price only to be told that they were no longer interested.

Now, it seems, they’ve returned to the negotiating table and obviously smell blood in the water. They’ve now offered me a price that is $10,000 lower than the “final” offer they presented to me (and I ultimately agreed to) just weeks ago. Their reason: The housing market continues to decline and that’s what they believe the house is now worth. It also doesn’t help that the comps paint a grim picture as prices of surrounding homes continue to drop.

There’s no doubt that these people are jerking me around. They can sense I’m desperate to sell and they are playing the game.  read more »

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