What to do if Your Husband is Cheating

What to do if Your Husband is Cheating

Posted to by Cathy Meyer on Mon, 01/19/2009 - 5:24am

If you are sure your husband is having an affair, your first reaction may be to react (with anger, tears, threats), instead of responding with reason. An affair is a crisis — time seems condensed, and we feel that we have to fix the situation...right now.

But before you react, you should do some homework. Try to find whatever you need to avoid acting impulsively and doing more harm (to the marriage, and to yourself) than good.

Before confronting your husband, consider such questions as…

What are the facts?

Never make an accusation of infidelity before you have proof. Intuition can be wrong. Just because you think he is cheating doesn’t mean he is. Don’t jump to conclusions until you’ve done your homework. Nothing is more damaging to a marriage than an unfounded accusation of infidelity. There are various signs that suggest he may be cheating. A few of them are listed below, but none of these is proof:

• There is a drastic change in his daily routine.

• Your spouse is suddenly working out and overly concerned about his appearance.

• He begins to dress differently, perhaps wearing clothes that are younger, or hipper.

• He is working more over-time or coming in from work later than usual.

• You see strange phone numbers on the phone bill.

• He is secretive about cell phone calls.

• He has withdrawn emotionally and sexually.

• He is spending a lot of time on the computer.

• You are sensing a lot of anger toward things that normally wouldn’t bother him.

Maybe he’s cheating, but maybe he decided he had to work harder and look sharper to keep his job. Proof, on the other hand, is proof: an indiscrete letter, the two of them spotted together, a clear lie about where he is and what he’s doing.

Do you really know how you’re going to react if he cheats?

If your husband really has cheated, you have to decide whether you want to save the marriage or end it. We all think, “If I ever catch him cheating, it’s over.” But when it’s real, and when you have reasons to keep the marriage together (financial, emotional, situational, physical), and you still love him, you may find yourself holding back on the nuclear option.

Infidelity does not have to be a deathblow to your marriage. It can survive, and even become stronger, if you can find it in yourself to forgive him, to let go of the past, rebuild trust, determine why it happened, and get into marriage therapy.

Getting your head and heart straight and aligned before confronting your husband can pay big dividends in the future.

How will you confront him?

Be calm, be reasonable, be rational. Bringing up the issue in an offensive manner (starting with a furious “How could you?” for instance), will only make him defensive. It may sound odd, but you want your spouse to feel he can trust you with information. In other words, he is more likely to tell you bad news if he knows you aren’t going to go crazy, or throw it back at him.

Make it a conversation, not an accusation. And stay calm, so you can use the information he’s giving you in a constructive way. This is especially important if you want to save the marriage, but it’s also important if you plan to divorce him.

Any information you obtain from him can be used in your own best interest. The more rational you are, the more information you are likely to receive. If your husband has cheated, information is key for you to heal, and useful if you end up in divorce court.

What if he’s lied to you?

Hire an expert! If you feel that your husband is not being truthful and he is behaving like someone who is having an affair, it is time to hire someone who is trained in getting evidence.

A licensed private investigator can provide you with details concerning your husband’s relationship with another woman: who she is, where they go, how long they spend there, how often they are together. A private eye will also provide documentation in the form of reports, receipts, videotape, photographs. If you want a conversation starter, just showing him a photograph, and then saying, “I’d like to hear what you’ve been feeling lately” will probably work pretty well.

If you decide to divorce, the information will also be important during divorce settlement negotiations.

Will you need a lawyer?

If you decide to divorce, most definitely yes. An attorney will give you advice regarding your legal options, your state’s divorce laws. Even if your state has no-fault divorce (most do), most judges still have great discretion in divorce cases. Infidelity can play a role in what kind of divorce settlement you will get.

Who is responsible for his infidelity?

It isn’t you. Be careful not to shoulder the responsibility. Men have an uncanny ability to point a finger and blame the wife. The sad thing is that some wives buy into it.

It is normal to question your role in the relationship. You may find yourself questioning your own behavior — were you attentive enough, were you sexy enough — but you are not to blame. Infidelity is often a form of domestic abuse, destroying a wife’s self-esteem and leaving her feeling battered.People grow and mature by taking responsibility for their behavior. Help him grow: put the responsibility firmly in his lap. If you get lucky he will become a better husband, and you will have learned how to communicate even better than before.

If not, maybe your ex will at least be civil to you.


Related Content:

How To Catch a Cheating Husband, 15 Signs to look for if you suspect your mate is cheating

7 Signs Your Husband is Cheating, by author, Christina Rowe (author of Seven Secrets to a Successful Divorce — What Every Woman Needs to Know)

3 Financial Clues That He's Looking for a Divorce — a video interview with Financial Expert, Lili Vasileff


My Gut vs. My Heart - What to do?

I don’t know what to do. My gut tells me that my husband of 3 years has been cheating. He went out of town and forgot his phone, so I went through it. I know it’s a no no, but I can’t say that I regret it. I found 1. An old voicemail from March 2012, where a girl, whom I’ve met before, was saying, “So, I put it on you like that? I made it home. Hope you make it back home okay. Call me.” He was out of town at the time. I also found on the bill that for the 3 days that he was out of town, that he exchanged text messages with her all three days. 2. I also found another voicemail from a girl that said, “I had a good time last night. I was wondering if you were busy Thursday or Friday?” 3. There was also another text that could have been innocent, but it was also followed by a “Call me” voicemail. I’m not sure what to do about this because snooping is a no no. However, snooping doesn’t excuse cheating. Should I wait, until I find something that is in my face? Should I confront him with the information that I have? What should I do? I don’t want my marriage to end, but I also don’t want to be one of those weak women who let the husband get away with anything. I also don’t want my 15 year old son to grow up without a daddy. Help please!

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Should I ask him if he has been faithful?


Ok! I just found out that HE not WE are having these 2 ladies over this weekend. No he didn't disscuss it with me nothing was said until today/last night. Now some one tell me if I'm over reacting? Remember they don't know me, never seen me, nor do I them! Over reacting?

It does seem a little odd.

It does seem a little odd. What's the rush? What's the urgency? Why so important? Is he expecting you to cook? Or if he cooks, I'd pay attention to how much effort he puts into it. Comply...but keep a close eye on him and her. Men are much more sloppy with theirs so if it looks fishy you'll be able to tell. And her Mother is coming too....may be nothing...

will you help me with my

will you help me with my question... Subject: My Gut vs. My Heart - What to do?

Follow your GUT! My gut was

Follow your GUT! My gut was saying "look in the phone". Our gut is our "Spiritual Man" when things are not right follow it! What I found in the phone was a conversation between him and a friend of his that I met maybe twice. ONce I confronted him about, he tells me it was a joke because she told him that every woman goes through their man's phone, so to prove a point thye started this heated converstion, sadly to say I don't trust him as I did when we first got married. We are still together and he knows where I stand. FOLLOW YOUR GUT! Talk too him and get it out in the open, if he is telling you the truth he won't get defensive. If he tells you "you don't trust him" look at that because any time some one is doing some thing that they are not suppose to it is very is too point the finger to make them feel better.

cheating or not

My husband's best friend sister and mother has moved to town, and he says they want to meet me. They have never seen me nor heard of me before. One night we went over to thier home at 8 pm because he just kept telling me they want to meet you, over and over. Asked if it could wait, he gets defensive. We go over there mother is sleep but the youn lady isn't she wouldn' turn on any light, she's a petite little thing, which that's what my husband likes, I"m not, I got beautiful curves. I'm uncomfortable sitting there in the dim light. So am I over reacting or is there something more?

Not even married a year

Hi, I've married my high school sweetheart and 10 years later we got married last November. About 8 weeks ago I realised that he had stopped saying he loved me, kissing me, hugging me etc. So I confronted him and he said that he was under a lot of stress. Our baby was born 10 weeks premature last September. He is now on home oxygen therpay and is fed by tube. Because of this my husband stays at home to take care of him. For financial reasons I returned to work full time to support our family. I tried to get him talk things and issues through with me and he just clams up and looks moody. Yesterday I was asing about a trip he took away (went Saturday 5pm and returned 11.30pm Sunday). He couldn't give any answers about what he'd being doing so I asked if was seeing somebody else. He said that he was seeing a girl from his Bro's Uni. That's it he's clammed uo again. I really don't know what to do now. I can't kick him out because I need to him to look after our child. And (please feel free to groan) I still love him immensley.

hard to forgive and forget the past

2 months ago I confronted my husband about his affair. It had been going on for over a year. He tells me that they never had sex only texting and phone calls. I find that hard to believe. We have decided to reconcile and work things out but I have days that I just can't get the thoughts out of my head. How do you forgive and forget all the haunting memories.


Im going thru the same thing. I've suspected it b/c of porn and days disappearing. Then he admitted to staying with a female for 4 days. No sex he swears. Yea right. It drives me insane. Some days I'm ok others it eats me alive. I'll never trust him again.

You will never forget. He

You will never forget. He may still continue to see her, or break it off then find another woman. People who go out side of their marriage are damaged and are looking for something that doesn't exist, but they still go out looking. I am struggling with my husband's affair, and I think I might actually leave him. It will never end..if this one does there will be another.

Cheating Husband

My husband of 32 yrs has cheated on me. I found a conversion that he was having with her texting. He has ammitted to it and I am just dumbfounded to say the least. I am 49 and he is 51 and she is 32. Our daughters age. This is the second time in the last 20 yrs ago. I am just a walking shell. We are on the down side of retirement. I don't get it. Our sex life was great, the home was clean, the children respectable, 2 beautiful Grandchild, I have kept myself up.. I just do not get it. I want to stop crying... The sad thing is I do love him.

My husband of 35 years is

My husband of 35 years is having an affair with a co-worker. It has been going on for about 1 year. I suspected when it was starting, but he swore they were just working together and they were just friends. He is with her all day every work day. THey have traveled on conference trips together. He had cheated when he was young but they were one night flings. This is an intense emotional and physical affair. I caught them in a hotel while they were on business. When he came home we fought all weekend and he decided he would work it out with me. He promised to break it off with her. He said they only slept together a few times at conferences. He went to work and told me he told her the sex had to end and he said she was fine with that. I have since found that they are still together. I know they are together a few days a week even now in the summer ( they are supposed to be off from work) . He drinks wine with her. I found he has viagra...I know he is using it with her. She is younger than he is. He is 55. One day he came home with his pants stuck in his socks. THat really hurt me because it was clear that (1) he can't end it with this woman ( she is also married) and (2) it is more than just a quick sex thing. THey are actually getting all their clothes off somewhere and being together all day. We fought . He said he would pack his bags and leave, which leads me to believe they have a place where they go where he knows he can stay. I got scared and begged him to stay. I have been with him since I am 14. I have never known another man. We have 3 grand children. I do have a good job and actually make more money than him, but we have debt. SHe is younger and very beautiful. She works with him and they write and research together. I think he loves her because one day I had called him at work and he thought he hung up but he didn't and I heard them talking for almost 2 hours before I couldn't listen any more. THey are close with each other. It was like they were married, the way they were talking, so this is an intense relationship. I think he has been seeing her a lot this summer I also love him and don't want to be divorced, but this is killing me. He goes back to work with her next week and they will be together all the time. I hate her. I want to please him and show him that I am a good wife. I make him have sex with me so he knows I still leant it. I try to be nice and not get mad at him for this and not fight. I try to make him good food ( she feeds him at work and probably wherever they go to have sex) and he isn't hungry when he comes home and he falls asleep on the couch. She is taking everything from him and leaving me nothing, so on the weekend I make him take me to the movies and make sure we have sex. He has been trying new things that I don't like that he must have learned from her. It takes him longer to have an orgasm and sometimes he can't. He says that is normal. I think she has tired him out or he is saving it for her.

ive been married for 5 yrs

ive been married for 5 yrs now, our first year of marriage was alright...right before our 2nd year anniversary, my husband changed so much..you know he had all da symptoms of a cheating husband. i obviously caught him, i wont lie..i went bizarre on his ass. worst part i tried confronting the other gurl..he got so mad, and we ended up in a physical fight. i left him, 3 months later we got back together...3 years have passed, i thought my marriage was going so good...slowly i starting trusting him again..but just now i got on his facebook and there it is..all this messages from this girl he knew back in da days...apparently they're so attracted to each other, he's makin plans to go see her..she knows he's married, but she doesnt care....it hurts so much to see the man you love, the father of your kids..go around tellin other woman how unhappy he is, and how much he wants to be with her. when at home, he'll constantly remind me that he loves me...i dunno. we have 2 kids together, its so hard to even think about starting all over again..and down da line..meet another guy who will probably bring even more trouble into my life..who knows! aah all this things going on in my head..really dont know what to do..well ill take that back..i know what i should do..but damn that feeling called LOVE. messes up with your head all da time!


Hi, I understand all of you said. The same situation as me. I do not know how can I save my marriage. You know I hate myself too much love him. That is why I always to forgive him on cheat me. Recently, we do not live together. I also to avoid his call. I want to know what do I feeling if we do not commiucation at all of month. See what I will get finally.

Wow! I am very much going

Wow! I am very much going through the same thing! the only thing is my BF is a compulsive liar! he never admits to anything even with the evidence right in front of him! Just recently I was concerned as to why he was constantly calling this girl that he works with. Everytime I left to go to school he would call her about 30 minutes later and they would be on the phone for hours before work! So I printed out the call logs and showed it to him. He was outraged! He slammed doors cussing and fussing about me always accusing him and everything so naturally me being me I got the number and called her! After convincing her about how he lies and why she shouldnt be protecting him because he's decieving us both, SHE TOLD ME EVERYTHING! With no problem, so after I confronted him again and she got on the phone on speaker and repeated EVERYTHING about how he has fallen for her and how he wanted her in his life, and how he was unhappy! I CUT THE HELL UP! he then acknowledged what he did and admitted after he threw his lil fit earlier on! IDK what to do I try to work with him being that he doesnt have a place to live, and really no money and I provide every damn thing! Just lets me know he is running clean over me! Now i'm like why the hell should I sympathize? he doesn't seem to be worried about the consequences of his actions so again WHY? I just wanted to elaborate on what you were saying, you are not alone!!

You are sooo lucky... for one

You are sooo lucky... for one reason... you said BF... ITS NOT TOO LATE FOR YOU! kick his asa out and focus on your career and find a man good enough tor you.

cheating husband

I caught my husband cheating by accidently finding text messages on his phone, He denied it at first, then admitted he had been seeing this girl for 6 months on saturdays when he was supposedly working. For my daughters sake i have reconciled with my husband but cannot bring my self to have sex with him. The trust is gone, once a cheat always a cheat. Now he has been dropping my daughter off at daycare @ 7am ,he doesn't need to be to work til 8am. Here we go again. Do i kick his ass out or do i just let him stay. I need him financially or i will sink and my 7 yr old daughter will be devastated. He owes 30,000 dollars in child support from another ex wife. I guess i know the anwser, i just have to do it and deal with all the family drama. His life is about to get very uncomfortable!! :-)

How did you confront him? I

How did you confront him? I am kind of and hopefully not in the same situation. I found disturbing texts on his phone. I know I shouldn't have looked but saw one pop up saying something about sexual related and of course was pissed. I reproached him stayed calm, got some advise from a friend first who unfortunately went through it as well couple years ago. He denies everything, says work is getting to him. I just don't know what to believe because since I saw the texts. I told him whatever it was work, etc he can be honest with me. Nothing yet and hopefully never. I just hope he does always tell me the truth. I'm kind of letting it go for now but obviously as you can see, it still is bothering me. I just had a funny gut reaction something is not right. I am really sorry for what you and your dtr are going through. Prayers to you both and I agree it's more a trust issue.

Trust me, if your gut is

Trust me, if your gut is telling you something is not right, then something probably isn't right. For 4 months, my gut told me the same thing, however my heart was in denial and I found out my husband was having an affair with someone I know. I was DEVASTATED!! I saw a text from a name I was unfamiliar with but, it was from her. He just gave her a different name! We pay our cell phone bills on line, so, I decided to look at the billing history but, he had changed the password. So, I created another one and when I gained access to the cell phone history, I saw that not only, were they texting EVERY SINGLE DAY, it was ALL DAY & Night! It didn't matter where my husband was at or who he was with, he would be texting her in front of me, saying it was one of his friends. I also found that they were sending each other nude pictures of themselves. She also liked to make videos for him and send them through e-mail. Although, he claims they never actually had sex! We have been together for 22 yrs. & married for 12 of those yrs. and have to young children. This has been a total nightmare for me. Good luck to all of you.

cheating husband

Wow. Our story sounds a lot the same. My husband and I have been married for 20 years. We had a good marriage. Good sex three times a week. We have two druthers together, 19 and 20. About a year ago I start feeling something was not right. I had that guilt feeling. I have always trusted my companion. I have never been the type to check his cell phone. Something told me to. I was scared what I would find. The first time I checked his phone, I notice a number that was calling him a lot all day. So I checked his test messages, and he had a lot of texting from the number as well. Next I read the messages and in some she was talking sexual to him. I looked to see if he replied, and he did. I even know this young lady. I am 42, my husband is 54, and she is 26. I confronted him and he denied it. He came up with an excuse. I wanted to believe him, so I did. Months later I got the same feeling but stronger. Something told me to check his phone, but I was scared what I would find. Finally one late night I decided to and she was calling him, texting him, and sending him naked pictures of herself. I also found out that he had taken naked pictures of himself as well. I confronted him again. At first he got mad and then would not discuss it with me. In 3 days from then, he decided to tell the truth. He told me that she was sending him pictures and he knows that it was wrong, but they did not sleep together and he has never been unfaithful. I was so up-set, but I was not surprise because I felt something was not right. I wanted to leave him, but I could not. I even got sick. I love him so much it would be hard for me to live with-out him. We are trying to work through this. It is hard. Even though they did not sleep together, it is like they did.

cheating husband

Everything you said my husband did when I asked him about it he lied and is still lying his affair is bad we've been married 27yrs what's really bad is its with his cousins wife I got all kinds if prof her husband knows but he's in denile the affair has been going on for 2yrs I've tried to work it out but I can't belive anything he says he says trust me I'm your husband but he's ripped my heart out and feed it to me and he's still talking to het he says they are just friends I no better I'm angry lost at what to do I'm glad our kids are grown

Yours was the first marriage

Yours was the first marriage that has been around as long as mine. We've been married 27 years! I would really appreciate if: 1: how do you create a new account so you can look at his cell phone call history 2: did you choose to stay together and work it out?

Wanting things to be normal

i married my high school sweetheart and almost 28 years and three children later, on this past Valentine's Day, I learned that my husband has been having an affair. After my complete emotional breakdown and a prescription for Prozac, I am trying to be rational and civil and optimistic that we can rebuild from here. He says that its over for them, but they do see each other every day at work. I'm struggling with trusting that he is where he says he is and that he isn't wishing he was with her instead of me. On the surface, it looks like we are trying...but I feel as though I'm not being honest about how hurt and devastated I am...my whole foundation has been ripped out from beneath me...the one person I trusted and believed loved me like no other doesn't...and I simply feel exhausted and like I'm just muddling through. I'm not even sure what's realistic to hope for at this point...

Just found as well

For me he was using craigslist. He states nothing has happen, but a part of does not believe him. He also states that he never had intentions of hooking up that he just needed to feel wanted sexually. We have sex he takes lead and I do not go for it. We sex life is ok I thought. I have found pic that he has sent and that is how I found out. I can't track his phone because he is using his company phone. This is the second time in 20 yrs he too promising never to do it again. We have 3 kids my oldest 18 and youngest will be 12 soon. I am just getting ready to start nursing school and feel that will further separate us. I feel your pain and so get your heart ache. I hope things have gotten better for you! Looking for hope

Hi, I have also married high

Hi, I have also married high school sweetheart, have 2 kids and pregnant with the 3rd and 28 yrs old. I feel the same as you. Just trapped and can't think of what to do. Tell me how did you survive this?

i know how you feel

i found out last year and the affair happened after 24 years of marriage and 4 children, its so hard its been a year and i still dont trust him, he tries to make me feel like this is a new start and things are going to be different but how do you go back. we also seem to be making it work, but somethings it feel like we are going through the motions. i just cant get that trust back and dont know if i ever will. its usually harder when he isnt home, all thoughts go through my head. i wish i could tell you it will be easier my mother in law told me it takes time and years. i still dont know if its worth it, and i am deeply inlove with my husband but he broke us and its hard putting the pieces together

I am honestly at a loss at to

I am honestly at a loss at to what to do. About a month and a half ago I saw a text from my husband to another woman calling her gorgeous and sexy... asking if he was going to see her tonight. At the time we were living apart while he was in school in the military. I immediately confronted him and he denied it saying that it was just a friend from back home... I did not believe him but we tried to work through it. We are now living back together. He has his own laptop which is password protected and refuses to give me the password when I borrow it. However, one day he left it open on his Facebook and I saw several messages to other women asking to chat with them, calling them sexy, and asking for their phone numbers. I confronted him once again and he denied it; saying that it wasn't him. That "he can't have friends". t have seen several emails from different porn websites on his phone which advertise meeting sexy singles. I don't know if he has physically cheated on me or not. But he consistently will leave the room when he gets a text message and if I go anywhere near his phone he gets very defensive and angry. I honestly don't know what to do. We have only been married a short time, plus I am currently 7 and half months pregnant with his daughter. I am worried about the stress it can do to her and whether or not I want to bring her into a home where this is going on. Any advice would be welcome!

Get out now! Take your

Get out now! Take your daughter and leave. He will ACT as if he cares but deep down inside won't. It's one thing for you to be married to a sex addict, that is what he is, but how do you expect one to parent? A little girl for that matter. Her well being should be most important to you, and once a man engages in viewing porn, and "cheating," those images have polluted their mind. Do you really want that around your innocent daughter who is DEPENDING ON YOU, her lifeline, to nurture and PROTECT her at all costs!!! Get out it will be better for you both in the long run.

Even though his comp is

Even though his comp is protected with a password you can still get past it. Just Google it. You're pregnant and this is your most sensative time, you need him. Talking to you as a sister, Don't ever let any guy make you feel like that regardless of having kids. Leave his ass after the baby is born. Focus on You & kids.. Don't make the mistake of feeling like you have to be with him for the kids. I've been in your shoes. Leave him

Two years ago I found the

Two years ago I found the same thing, my husband texting other women things married man shouldn't be texting. I confronted him and he denied it, but said he didn't like the accusations and wanted to leave. I told him to go but a week later I found out I was pregnant with twins. We decided to work it out. It's been two years and I thought things were going well till I found more text to strange women. This time when confronted he did admitted it, and to the first time too. Now what? He did agree to counciling this time, but do i really want to be that women that goes through her marriage choosing to keep her eyes closed and get walked on again. I have no advise, but if it happened once, it could very well happen again. And do I really want to put my Kids through all this later in their life? We are starting the coin long next week. Time will tell but it's a place to start.

in the same boat

Your story spoke directly to me because on the 20th, I found photos of my husband's affair. I am 29 weeks pregnant with our fourth baby and am beyond devastated. I don't have advice as i am still reeling but wanted you to know you are not alone.

i posted pictures of my cheating husband

I was cleaning our apartment and came across some flash drives that had pictures and videos of my husband behaving very very badly and we are getting divorced. he has stopped child support and that has caused me and my baby to be evicted. we are in a shelter now living day to day. i am bitter about how my x husband behaved and ruined a wonderful family. I was going to post one of his videos but decided just to post his picture that he sent his mistress here http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/23/stevechastitycolor.jpg/. I can be reached via email or facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003631218265

Husband cheated and has left home

I have been married to my husband for 3 years. 2 of those 3 years, he has cheated on me twice. i recently found out about them this past january. we have been going to counseling and really trying to work things out. then a week and half ago, i blew up on him cause i was holding all my anger in and he decided to move out while i was at work. he says he needs time to think and doesn't know if he will come back home or not. i just can't believe it, he did me wrong and now i have to wait around for him to make up his mind? i love him with all of my heart but i pray every night that my love would disappear so that i can just divorce him, but no changes has been made in my heart. i must be an idiot to wait around for him.


Oh...That brought back rage for me....I feel for you..that's exactly what happened to me..I discovered that my husband was sleeping with multiple people....no regard for my health emotionally or physically. My children were devastated so for their sake I said that the only way I could even consider staying was that he get help and we talk about it with a therapist because I could never be able to forgive all his lies and disrespect without it..and he should earn my trust again and take as long as I needed...well after 1 session..somehow my ex thought I should magically get over it and stop being a bitch about it....he said he would have to think about if he wanted to be with me since I made such a big deal out of the whole thing!! HA!! Leaving was the best thing ever..I literally caught myself humming as I left!! something I hadn't done for quite a while before that day. Sometimes I think they dont want to put the effort and just expect us to accept everything..they do not love us and want us to do all the work of divorcing and everything or just want to saty so they can have a clean house and dinner on the table and dont want to to legally forced to hand over a set amount each month..I love being without him..I and the kids really flourished in a loving , trusting household after we left! I have to see him occassionally when he sees/skypes the kids..and I just think he's the biggest ass clown ever-I feel sorry for him.

Husband on the verge......

My husband and I have been married for 4 years (5 in May) and together 9 years. I'm 26, he's 33, we're still young & our marriage is still fresh. So, my husband plays these little games on my phone & I never think anything of it. Sometimes I would get on it while at work to collect his money for him. Well on Monday when he picked me up from work, he asked me to check the game and collect his money for him. So when I opened the app, there was a message from a girl saying, "hey baby is me shelly". And it all went downhill from there. I saw messages where he was talking dirty to her, wishing she was closer to him and he even asked for her number! He actually did call her (he did all this on my phone while I was sleeping btw) but it was a wrong number. I was ready to go. I went and got my suitcases and was ready. He begged and pleaded and apologized over and over again. Finally, I decided I'd stay. It would be really hard to get over but I don't want a divorce. I love him. So the next morning I called in sick at work so we could spend the day together and try to forget about what happened. He wakes up super early all the time. He'll go to the living room and watch tv. So that day he did the same thing and I woke up about 9ish and he comes into the room wanting to make love & watch "movies". The whole time all I can think of are the things he said to this woman and the fact that he tried to call her but I bite my tongue because I stayed and so I can't keep throwing it in his face. So after we were done, he's in the shower and his phone was nowhere to be seen. So I start searching for it. I found it in the living room. I checked his internet and the history was clear. I did a quick scroll thru his txts and phone calls. I checked his email and there it was. A message from a woman he emailed on Craigslist. All he asked her was, "so where are you". She went on to say how she wasn't looking for anything serious, just some fun but that she was ready if he was. I confronted him immediately. He admitted it and pleaded the same b/s I heard the day before. He even said she wasn't the first woman he's messaged. I feel completely betrayed. I want to leave, but I can't make myself. I can't stand being with a man I can't trust, I feel like I don't even know him. I thought I had a "perfect" husband who was also a "perfect" dad to our 8 year old little girl. I mean, just the night before that email was seen, we went and got tattoos on our ring fingers that say Forever. And the NEXT MORNING he's ready to wonder off again!!!!! He keeps taking chances, testing me to see how much he can get away with. That's what it feels like anyway. Of course he denies that. He just keeps lying and lying. I've been catching him back to back lying within minutes. He'll say one thing then a minute later he contradicts himself and admits he's lying again. Today is my first day back at work and I can think is, "What is he doing". I don't know how much of this I can take. I don't know if I can take this at all. Please someone give me some advice. Is it not SO bad because nothing actually happened (that I know of) or is it pretty much just the same as cheating? I'm so lost and torn and hurt. I don't know what to do.

let go

it must be very difficult for you. If you stay, there's nothing for you. This person not worth your love. Be independent financially and just let go of him...you will feel better. Let Go!


I am so sorry that ou ae in the situation that you are and I really feel for you. I am a young wife as well. I am 27. My husband and I have been married for almost seven years now. We have gone all through the cheating thing on both sides. when there is infidelity there will always be a gap in your heart. Honestly no matter what you do you will always think of it form time to time. It's just like that childhood scar that you got. Sometimes you forget that it's there, but at that moment when you look at it the memories are all so clear.If your husband is having a hard time being faithful, then maybe ou all should seek counseling. He mite really have a sex addition that he can't identify at the time. If that isn't it then it could be that he really does'nt want to be married at the time, or is not in love with you. Wateva it may be my suggestion to you is not to waist your time not doing anything or going on unfulfilled promises. either seek help or leave. either way be happy.

I completely understand you.

I completely understand you. Last night I found a text from my husband to his sister saying "you should hook me up with your friend Nancy." Just the night before he had given me a speech about how much he loved me and blah blah blah. He says he didn't mean anything by the text, that he just saw her and thought she was cute. And even though he didn't actually do something, it makes me think why he would even feel the need to write a text like that. I can't give you any advice, but maybe it comes as some comfort to know that you are not crazy and not alone.


married 16 years and have endured at least two of husband's affairs. husband successful CEO at 45 and me not-so-successful at 43. however, i learnt that it's best to just not go into the kill-you-when-you-sleep mode. the minute i learnt of his 'relationship' with the second girl, i told him 'good luck to you and i'm out of here' - due to technical matters tho (fear of not getting child custody) has made it necessary for me to remain in the family home. thank GOD however, i have endured this stress a little bit better than my 1st discovery of the 1st girl years ago. it took me more than 10 years to finally come to terms with the first girl, and lo and behold - the 2nd girl is already in the picture. hmmmm.....it's taken me roughly 1 month to turn this matter around. I have commenced official proceedings (court-endorsed marital counselling), and am slowly gaining strength. I am not very religious, but i try to stay closer to GOD now. it's no joyride, but I realise i contributed to the problems myself. I learnt not to be vengeful....it's hard but i'm trying to be as dignified and as classy as Sandra Bullock and Elin Nodregen were. Leave with dignity, class and grace. it's never too late to be a lady. By the way, I don't really know at this point if I want my hubby back - but it would be great to just prove a point to the OW.

It's time to move on

It's been 3 years since I found out that my husband of over 25 years had and is still having an affair. I confronted twice, I gave ultimatums if the affair didn't stop, but that has not helped. He continues to lie and hide, recently I almost caught them together. I say almost because when he realized that I was going to see him pick her up after work, he lied and said he was going to the hospital to visit a co-worker. The hospital is not far from her work place. Since then he has been guarding his cell phone with his life. He never lets it out of his sight. I think the mistake that I made was confronting him in the first place when I found the texts and emails he wrote to her. I am done I am ready to leave him and start a new life. I cannot continue to live with a man that I don't trust.

Is Ignorance bliss?

On christmas day after being intiment with my husband of 2 and a half years....he went to clean up and I was just looking at his phone to see if his friend had sent any more funny texts... instead I found naked pictures of his old roommate(female) that I allowed him to live with the last year of college... the upsetting part is that the pictures and sex talk was done on the Saturday after my family buried my father after he had been sick for sometime... i didn't not confront him and really don't know where to start... before we married i had done somthing of the sorts...it was only one picture and i never had sex with the guy my husband (fiance at the time) found out and we faught about it and moved past it... but now we've been married almost 3 years and i don't know if this has happened before or if they've slept together... i just know what i saw and in a way wish i hadn't... i was 19 when we got married and in everyother fight we have its as if im always apologizing but on this one i know its not my fault ive done nothing but be the best wife i could possibly be but after i lost my job and can't find work its as if i have to serve him left and right and like im not good enough for him... so i know he'll find a way for it to be my fault so i don't know how to go about confronting him if i can't defend myself?

I am going through he same

I am going through he same thin you are and I'm so glad I'm not the only one. My story is a little different than yours; my husband had been textin his ex girlfriend and at first I didn't say anything about it because I trusted him. I would never consider there being something going on. But yesterday I went through his phone because I just needed to reassure myself and there was a text to her from him saying that he loves her. I asked him about it just today and he said he would never say that to her when he tried to prove he wasn't lying by showing me his phone, he had deleted the message. He will still not admit it. I even asked his ex if they did anything acting like him and she said they kissed in early December and that he got mad at her for not wanting to have sex. Every fight we get into, he turns it right around and blames everything on me. I can't stand to try to get him to tell me the truth because of it.

Cheating husband

I got pregnant at 15 I got married at 16. My husband and I were fine for 3 years. One day he went to his best friends house and didn't come back. He left me to raise my 4 year old alone. I found a job that same week. 8 months later we got back together we moved in together then months later I found out he was sleeping and partying those 8 months we had been separated. It was hard bc I had already moved in with him. I decided to work it out bc my son seemed happy to b back w his dad. Especially since his dad saw him only 2 times while we were separated. We got back in October of '08. Just last month in August of this year 2011 some random car just drove up in our drive way. My husband and I were washing his car outside. Two giys come out and so does this girl she's missed up so missed up she's going all over the place she can't talk right or stand up on her own the guy is helping her stand up. She was the girl that worked at our suntrust bank.I confronted my husband bc I knew something was wrong. Apparently they had been sleeping around. I kicked him out that same night. I've had it one thing is to do it to me while we were separated the other when were living together. We have 2 boys now one 7 years old the other 8 months and with epilepsy. I felt like punching the girl but I held back bc my kids can't have two stupid parents. The girl apparently has a family of her own that pisses me off even more. I am so disappointed in my husband. But I need to do what's best for my kids and me especially for my kids. The first time my husband left my oldest son would cry so much for his dad this time around I asked my son how he was feeling bc I didn't no how to bring up the fact that his dad wasn't living w us anymore. His Answer was " mom I'm used to it" that broke my heart bc it was true his dad was always out of the house using excuses he was out volunteering w the firefighters. Bc he had been going to school for that but failed then allhe could do is volunteer afterwards. I no I am better off without him. Its easier to say no to him the 2nd time around.

My husband for 10 years has

My husband for 10 years has been cheating on me in my own bed with a young girl who is 20 years younger than he is. He is having a baby with her too. I want to leave him but he begs me to stay with him and he tells me how much he loves me etc..... I forgave him so many times and fought with the girl for him. but she wants him too because she is a homeless and my husband have a good job. her charm is that she have nothing else to do but give him sex and tell him all the lies that the would like to hear. I gave him 3 days to get out of my house. we have two boys (8, 2 y/o). when I am at work he takes her places with my boys and sleeps in my bed with her while boys are at home. He makes them watch tv while having sex with her. My 8 y/o knows all about it. Millions of time he promised me that he will not see her, communicate with her etc... but he fails to do... he is addicted to her. He even have a secret phone to communicate just with her. He sees her everynight during his work shift beacsue he wors at night. He has been off for two hrs. now but not home yet. He works less than 5 miles from home. I know he with her right now. Not answering his phone. I am so confused. I want to raise my boys in a normal family, but I also do not want my boys to learn that it is ok to cheat on their wives. Help me please. I can never trust him again because he has been cheating on me with so many other woman but this one is almost impossible to break. Our marriage has been damaged beyond any hope fro it to get any better.

divorce support social network for divorced, divorcing women

A friendly gesture to everyone who has posted comments on this article, and who is challenged with potential cheating and in need of help or friendly advice ... You should join the social network here (https://community.firstwivesworld.com/?page=home) and post your comment in the "blogs" section. It's a private, secure social network for women contemplating, navigating or moving beyond divorce. There's a very supportive community of women going through what you're going through, and if you post your issues or challenges there, you're bound to get honest, sincere advice from the women of the network. Just go here and sign in: https://community.firstwivesworld.com/?page=home I hope this helps! It certainly helped me :)

I think hes cheating

I am about to be married for a year on Saturday. I have a four month old son. I work from 2p-12a. When I got home the other night after trying to call my husband for 8 hours with no answer ( witch has become common behavior) I found my front door wide open, the house cleaned up and all of our pictures taken down and hid under the bed. He never cleans the house unless we are expecting company and NEVER leaves the door open or unlocked. I over reacted and threw all of the pictures against the wall and left. When he got home he called me and told me he lost track of time (he was supposed to be home at 9) and was at a friends house. He has started hanging out with all of these old friends and will never let me come with him. When I asked him if he was cheating on me he called me stupid and he had no excuse for why the pictures were hidden. I am really confused and dont know what to do. Any advice would be very appreciated. Thanks

Im not married but I can tell you

remember to keep your dignity. it doesnt phase you, you are happy..even though you want to push him off a cliff when you found out..you are a lady looking good everyday...even though you might feel like shit inside...you are HAPPY. you know what he's done, you knew it all along. But YOU must make yourself look better in his eyes than the chick he's interested in. So make your own mysterious ways, go out wearing your best jewelry, workout, dont let him in on the gossip, shut him out, but look and feel amazing while doing so. let him know what he's losing. Cook amazing meals, have yours and leave his plate out to dry when he comes home. dont be afraid to try if you want this to work. He needs to understand his wife is there and will be there, thats what wedding vows are for. BUT if you are doing all you can to be the amazing girl like you were when you two first met, even though dating and marriage made it a little old news in his eyes, bring new news to the situation, spice it up and be sassy, but if that doesnt work and he's still gone, take your things and go. you tried, he failed already, he fails as a good man, and you can keep going as a beautiful woman with class. CLASS IS KEY. i realized this with my last husband, and i was too devastated and dramatic that it made him only want to leave more. but I left him finally, and he finally realized and has yet to stop emailing me. My NEW husband , knows this and takes it lightly because he knows he's the one in my life, but ive just discovered HE has been lying about a woman this whole time. we've been married one year in july. I am playing it cool, keeping my own game up (making him remember im the best thing in his world) and its working. I'm not cheating at all, I just want him to think I am fine without him, and somewhat going back to my ways of independance. It's working for me because he still gets jealous when I leave and not say where I'm going, but wearing great clothes and best makeup. He's been at home more, and i've always cooked dinner but now i just make an awesome lunch then leave. so he's home but im not home for about ooo3 hours in the evening. we fight about it, but im really just going to starbucks drinking coffee and sitting on facebook on my laptop, then to grab beer and come home. we dont have kids, but we are talking about it. In every conversation we have, I am completely low key about knowing, but inside i am crashing. He will know when I finally come to him, apologizing for going out and kissing a man who asked me to leave him. Yes I plan on this, eye for an eye in a way. Seriously I have nowhere on no one to do that with, but I will find someone to kiss. When he gets defensive over me, thats when I say, well didnt you screw this other girl? Im going to listen to what he says, but tell him the other man was right about men like him, and thats why I should leave him. Maybe im too much all about revenge, but I am female. I deserve the satisfaction, because ive been playing it cool for about 3 weeks now. im at home right now, but im "going out" later, and i think now that i've read all these heartbreaking stories, im going to do the kiss thing tonight. He can rot, while im making out. I found out he was cheating from a girlfriend who recently separated from her husband. Well her husband and MY husband who are like brothers were hanging out one night and her husband butt dialed her. All she heard was them talking, and MY husband talking to this girl, spilled tequila on her, and said he's got to suck it up now. She said she heard the girl laughing, telling her our husbands they both needed to get in on the action, but her husband called her that night and said that MY HUSBAND left with her that night while he stayed and promised the world that he didnt take part in any of it as she accused. Then she told me. So here I am. Looking fabulous, disgusted, I dont kiss him anymore and we havent slept together in 3 weeks. He knows something is up, he's just a coward. And its up to me now to do what I want and feel is best.

cheating husband

Let me first say I'm sorry. I was where you are at. Felling stupid for thinking things like that. Believing his stories. Letting it go every time. But a couple of days ago I intercepted a call from the other woman. It took me 8 months to figure it out!!!! She is really nice by the way. Its not her fault. He told her he was divorced. What's really sad is that I already wanted to leave before any of this happened. I already had enough reasons to leave. He drinks like a fish and treats me like crap. So my advice to you is........ If you already have doubt in your mind why are you still there? You have a job it's not like you are a stuck housewife. Do it for your son! Your son learns how to treat a woman from him. Are you really going to take it/ The man clearly doesn't respect you and obviously thinks you're stupid. You are not stupid! you don't deserve this!!! Don't ever let him make you feel like it is your fault!!!! It is not your fault!!!! If a person is unhappy they should leave a relationship, not betray a person like that. my husband is still trying to pin this on me. I wasn't affectionate enough apparently. Well that was a little impossible when he was at the bar more than he was home. It will be ok!

your advise is really great.

your advise is really great. thank you. I'm about to take a very small first step.

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