There are many different styles of lawyering in the divorce world. There are some who subscribe to the slash and burn mentality and others who will settle at any price. Certainly there are many in between.
When interviewing attorneys, it's important to choose an attorney who matches your comfort level of how aggressive you would like to be in your case. When searching for a matrimonial attorney, it's also essential to look for a lawyer who will answer your questions.
It's important that you understand the process so you can form a "team" with your counsel. Although your attorney will know the law, you as the client will have the best grasp on the facts. Your attorney will need to work hand in hand with you to know the relevant facts to successfully argue your case.
My advice is to find an attorney who never stops answering your questions. This is your life, and if you don't understand what's happening in your case or if you're uncomfortable with the way your case is being handled, you need to speak up and correct the strategy before it's too late.
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