Now, he has to be present every moment that the boys are even looking at this building. It's very intimidating — for me, as well as for the boys. I know that when we made an attempt to seek counseling, he voiced his opinion prior to our appointments about what could and could not be discussed during our sessions. Granted, he's not in the room with the boys, but I'm sure he has the same philosophy behind them talking to someone about their problems.
It hurts me that they are vulnerable — that I was vulnerable to that. I feel powerless to the situation though, and can only show the boys that I love them and respect their time to vent their feelings. I truly hope this is enough for them. I love them so much and want to eliminate any hurt that I can for them. I'm sure most of us feel that way. Anyone found any great co-parenting books beyond the normal, "your family is changing," dynamic?