When they realize that they have dramatic cultural differences and divergent philosophies of life, particularly with respect to raising children, Sarah and her husband decide to go their separate ways. The tragedy is that they love and respect one another enormously.
To view Part 3 of Sarah's story, "click here."
What Others Have Shared ()
How brave you are, and how amazingly self expressed. I want your daughter to dance too, with the beauty of her Mom's essence shining in each step. I am so touched by your sensitivity and your experience. There is no loss here, ... the love you share with your husband is a testimant to all of us. And as we each have our own story, and we do, none of us could ever have known how possible it was to have one like this. You give me strength, and for that I thank you.
I couldn't agree more ...
I've watched your story so many times. It's so moving. I get so inpired by your strength and courage and your continued love in the midst of what you're both going through... Janean
it is encouraging. I like it
it is encouraging. I like it cause, even thoug h it's sad, it's positive too, unlike my experience with divorce, which was so terribly uninspiring and destructive ... I'm moved to tears everytime I watch this :(
Thank you..
This is Sarah, (from these clips), and I just want to say thank you for your responses! They go a long way towards reminding me to keep loving both myself and my husband as we go through this transition. By the way, he has seen them and has asked if I will send them to his family in Egypt. Salim alikum!
This is such a moving experience
You are such a trooper and inspiration, Sarah.
I have so much respect for you and your sensitivity. I have equal respect for your husband too. I hope you both find happiness, the happiness you both want for your lives. My strongest support to you both --- Hill
Thank you Hill!
Just a small update...
It is almost October and I have my house packed, but haven't found the right apartment yet. I am overwhelmed with red-tape and paperwork. I have to move out in 6 days! I was pretty resigned over the weekend, but then I sat down and watched these clips of myself and they reminded me of the hope I have for Ahmed and myself and for the world in general.
Thanks for your wonderful encouragement. It is a huge support to me right now. (Funny how the universe sends messages of strength from the most unusual sources, isn't it?)