If he does that one more time, I am calling a lawyer. That's it. He's been asked politely, with the proper phrasing from the couples counselor: "Don't say ‘You forgot to get the milk.' " Instead say, "I feel bad when you forget things like this, honey."
I remind myself: "The word 'always' rarely applies."
When he leaves the sprinkler on all night, and soaks the yard turning it into a muddy marsh, I don't always say, "We've got a gusher in the back yard ... again."
Usually I notice it when I'm up first in the morning, as I'm pouring the kids' cereal. So I dash out in my bathrobe and turn off the sprinkler.
By the time he's up and rushing to catch the train, I forget to even mention it.
I don't always use the midnight car ride home from a party to tell him that he raised his voice a tad too loud about Obama in a room full of known Republicans.
Usually I just make a joke: "Wow, you sure told them everything they didn't want to hear, sweetie."
Or, "Remember, these are the people who sponsored us for the golf club last year."
Or, "Maybe you could just tone it down a bit."
Usually, I say nothing, and silently vow to buy a pricy hostess gift, and slip it in front of the host's front door the next morning, without ringing the doorbell.