I had a fun reunion in Dallas with a divorced gal pal I just love. We caught up over lunch about everything including her social life. They're either looking' for a nurse or a purse, she said point blank. I spit out my soup. When she told me her sister just sent her and her contractor a three year anniversary card, I snorted my salad.
What's going on around the country with divorced women with respect to their social lives really runs the gamut of emotions at different times.
This particular sweet potato has been in a couple serious relationships since her divorce back when, then she attempted some online and offline dates but they weren't working out.
She realized the problem too. HER. She just didn't give two craps. I think that was a quote.
She wished she did she said, but she didn't. So she stopped dating and started picking up men — in her pick-up truck — to work at her house and then go home.
Her contractor is the current man in her life and apparently its been going on for awhile. Three years is awhile, no?
But she explained, even a steady contractor can go MIA on occasion forcing you to find a replacement.
She told me she was so excited about a recent available contractor, he thought she was coming on to him.
Something tells me it may have had something to do with her opening line — "Show me your rock hard sheet rock baby!"
Some contractors even play hard to get she said, which is why her pick up line is of choice is? ... "Hey I've got a pick-up!"
So now we know.
Some women are out there flashing sexy legs and cleavage to attract men...others are out there flashing pick-up trucks to attract day workers.
To each her own.
Attitude is everything!
To email Debbie: [email protected]