firstwivesworld - Video - Comments Comments for "Video" en sharing nothing Sarah, this is the first time of watched one of your episodes. I'm staring at the end of my marriage as well and pondering the moments of nothingness. Thank you so much for expressing exactly what I'm feeling. Fri, 05 Dec 2008 12:11:08 -0500 Guest comment 6668 at Love your poem Love your poem Thu, 04 Dec 2008 22:57:03 -0500 Guest comment 6667 at thanks for sharing....even if it hurts Sarah, I have been watching your vlog since the beginning and wanted you to know that it has helped me...even if you sometimes felt less than authentic- we all "fake it 'til we make it" to get through hard weeks. Especially the holidays. It is really hard for people not going through this to have a sense of the total sense of loss than simply envelops you at times. This this is not where you wanted to be at this point in your life...that you're trying your damndest to keep it together. I often wonder if keeping it an amicable divorce made it harder on me emotionally..not sure if there would really be any way to make this hurt less though. You are in my thoughts, girl. ~ Kirst Thu, 04 Dec 2008 12:59:21 -0500 Guest comment 6662 at that's how do you maintain a budget through the holidays :) Mon, 01 Dec 2008 15:29:03 -0500 Guest comment 6647 at dow do you a budget through the holidays don't spend :) and get creative Mon, 01 Dec 2008 15:26:24 -0500 Guest comment 6646 at You know what you are great at by now... Take a pice of paper- draw a line down the middle...on the left write all the things you have been brilliant at all these years and on the right the things you are horrible at...put a line across the bottom and write your time to waste...see which things on the left can ttraslate to making your dreams come true...then creative...upgrade your skills if need be...make yourself a biography with all your best accomplishments and attributes...get a business card that has your name and phone number and email....make sure you are computer literate...then go! At the very least get out now during the holidays when people are hiring just to get your feet wet and meet some new people. Sun, 30 Nov 2008 09:27:29 -0500 Guest comment 6631 at Socializing during the holidays I recently got divorced and this is my first holiday being single again. :( I am not sure if I am ready to go out on my own yet, however if I do I will sit at the bar and try to socialize as much as I can as suggested in this video. Thanks, I would love to hear from other people who are divorced who are in this situation. Wed, 19 Nov 2008 15:36:48 -0500 Guest comment 6588 at Thanks Mom... I wish you were closer so I could stand in your hug for a while. Mon, 17 Nov 2008 22:35:52 -0500 Sarah Farthing comment 6571 at 26 years of marriage... I can't imagine going through this after 26 years, Tammy! My routine feels so unbreakable after only 6 years! If I don't hear his voice in the morning, I feel like I haven't started my day! I guess the thing about an addiction is that, with substances at least, you only have to manage your own behavior. In the case of a relationship, not only do you have to manage yours, but you have to constantly field the other persons behavior as well. Not calling Ahmed might be easy to do. Not taking a call from him is an entirely different matter. No wonder this feels like such a minefield! I hope you continue to move forward with grace and ease. And if grace and ease isn't available... (and I am here to attest that it isn't always), then I hope you tumble forward into a future of freedom. I'll be there to compare compare scars with you. ;) Mon, 17 Nov 2008 22:14:08 -0500 Sarah Farthing comment 6570 at Ana Kamen Bahabek, Habebti... Thanks for your kisses and your hugs. I wish I could have them in person. I can't promise not to cry... I think I have a lot more tears left in me, but that's a good thing. It means I love your uncle dearly. But, soon, the crying will be done and the smiling and laughing will return. It's not the first time I've had my heart hurt. I love you all. Please give my love to the rest of your family. Mon, 17 Nov 2008 22:01:21 -0500 Sarah Farthing comment 6569 at You both are truly amazing You both are truly amazing and magnificent human beings. I love you both so very much! Leese/Weezie Sat, 15 Nov 2008 23:03:52 -0500 Guest comment 6561 at Hi sweet Sarah. I just Hi sweet Sarah. I just viewed your blog. You are taking a courageous step forward in your distancing plan. It won't be easy for either of you, but it sounds like you're finally ready to make that move. Your family and friends are here for you. The only advice I have is this...don't go 'cold turkey.' You and Ahmed will be better of to 'ween' away from each other. Plan to have a time during the week when you see each other to get caught up. But keep to your plan...after all, you have a lot of shared history and have woven of your lives together. Like knitting, it takes awhile to unravel that tapestry. Be gentle with yourself. I'm at the other end of the phone when you need me. You are an inspiration to me and I'm lucky to have you as my daughter. Love, Mom Fri, 14 Nov 2008 20:45:50 -0500 Guest comment 6559 at wow I know how you feel My husband has been gone since last Feb.but he comes over everyday and we still depend on each other very much.Its Ive been married to him for lalmost 26 years and I dont know how to do things any other way.Our paperwork in done we just need to file it. I wish you luck and I want to say thank you for being there for me as we both go there this it helps. Tammy Fri, 14 Nov 2008 15:45:46 -0500 Guest comment 6558 at THE FINAL STRAW MY STORY IS SO CLOSE TO TRISH'S I FELT I HAD TO COMMENT. WHEN I FOUND OUT THAT MY HUSBAND HAD "ANOTHER" GIRLFRIEND AND THAT HE REALLY CARED FOR HER I LOST IT. OUR KIDS GOT INVOLVED(WHO ARE ALL MARRIED AND HVE KIDS OF THEIR OWN). MY HUSBAND MADE AN APPOINTMENT TO GO TO A COUNSELOR WHICH WAS FREE FOR 9 SESSIONS THROUGH INS. I WAS SO ANGRY TO GO BECAUSE I KNEW MY HUSBAND ONLY MADE THE APPT. SO I WOULD LET IT GO. HE LIED THROUGH HIS TEETH TO THE COUNSELOR AND I SAID I WOULD NOT GO ANYMORE. THE GIRLFRIEND DROPPED HIM AND WENT BACK TO HER OLD BOYFRIEND. HE WAS SO BUMMED. BOO HOO! MONTHS LATER I DISCOVERED HE HAD A NEW GIRLFRIEND. I TOLD HIM AFTER 30YRS. OF MARRIAGE, THAT WAS THE LAST STRAW. WE DECIDED HE WOULD LEAVE BY "NEW YEARS EVE" . HE MOVED OUT CHRISTMAS DAY WHEN WE CAME HOME FROM HAVING CHRISTMAS WITH OUR KIDS AND GRANDKIDS. WHO DOES THAT?!! HE WENT TO LIVE WITH HER IN THE NEXT SMALL TOWN. IT STILL TAKES ALOT TO NOT THINK ABOUT IT EVERYDAY. Fri, 14 Nov 2008 00:17:57 -0500 Guest comment 6554 at bnhebek awe sarah :) sarah we love u 2 really .....and we all have been fallen in love with ur beautifull smile & ur very cute personnalaty & ur big heart :) so plz don't cry again :'( ...& be sure that we will never forget u ever sure 2 that u have a very big space in our hearts ...& of course u alwys have a welcome place in Egypt :) ....we used to see u alwys smiling & laughing so plz don't let us see ur tears again :'( ....keep smiling my dear :) we loveeeeeeeeeee uuuuu ( BNHEBEK AWE YA SARAH ) KISSES ....HUGS:) Tue, 11 Nov 2008 04:25:23 -0500 Guest comment 6541 at