firstwivesworld - News Article - Comments Comments for "News Article" en DNA and Divorce Married couples are getting more and more crafty with uncovering infidelity. Who knew that cigarettes could lead to so much trouble? But I've eve heard of dental floss being used. I think it was in the Kerkorian paternity case that someone stole a piece of used dental floss, got it tested for DNA, and discovered that the biological father of Lisa Bonder Kerkorian was Steve Bing, and not Kirk Kerkorian. It can't get any more invasive than dental floss, can it? by Divorce Saloon <a href="" title=""></a> Sun, 21 Dec 2008 14:21:37 -0500 Guest comment 6734 at Divorce awards of the year This is too funny. What a great recap of the year! Wed, 17 Dec 2008 12:05:12 -0500 Guest comment 6724 at Kids and cell phones I think this is a major step in the right direction. This is the fastest way to get in contact with your child and for them to get in contact with you. In today's society parents should always be just a ring away from their children. It comes down to both a safety issue and an emotional one. Tue, 16 Dec 2008 16:58:41 -0500 Guest comment 6723 at Children and divorce I could not agree with you more. Divorce is a fact of life these days but if you are a good parent and think of your children first you can minimize the pain. The resource section is a great place to get information on kids, family and how to raise healthy children: <a href="" title=""></a> Tue, 16 Dec 2008 10:18:55 -0500 Guest comment 6722 at The Child centric divorce Certainly if divorce can't be banned, at least it should be child-centric. by Divorce Saloon, New York <a href="" title=""></a> Tue, 16 Dec 2008 03:07:02 -0500 Guest comment 6720 at Breast Cancer and healthy relationships I guess this would make sense since we know stress and other environmental and emotional factors can effect us all health wise. Mental health effects physical health. Times like that you have to ask yourself have hard are you willing to fight to survive? Mon, 15 Dec 2008 12:58:54 -0500 Guest comment 6717 at This was a ridiculous ruling This is ridiculous, obviously. What was the parties' intent? That is the question. I doubt strongly either of them even considered involuntary "cohabitation" in a jail cell as within the purview of "cohabitation" as that word is generally understood. But the stipulation of settlement probably needed to be clear and unambiguous. See the rest of my comments on this at Divorce Saloon, <a href="" title=""></a> Fri, 12 Dec 2008 19:45:13 -0500 Guest comment 6711 at Madonna and Guy Ritchie splitsville I'm so sad to see Madonna and Guy Ritchie split up. They seemed like such a nice couple, but it didn't take her much time to move on I see. My parents had a amicable divorce too. I'm glad some celebs can make that happen too, even with all the press hounding them. Wed, 10 Dec 2008 14:43:03 -0500 Guest comment 6702 at Yes, enforcement of divorce Yes, enforcement of divorce orders can be prickly. But contempt motions are always a way to deal with it. Eventually it might even lead to jail time. Staff member Divorce Saloon <a href="" title=""></a> Wed, 10 Dec 2008 06:24:11 -0500 Guest comment 6701 at Military marriages This is too bad. It is one topic we haven't yet handled on Divorce Saloon. We should soon. Staff Divorce Saloon <a href="" title=""></a> Wed, 10 Dec 2008 06:21:15 -0500 Guest comment 6700 at This was a "well-done" divorce A divorce attorne, and as we have preached on Divorce Saloon, this was well handled, one of the best, considering the circumstances. More celebrities should follow suit. Marion TD Lewis <a href="" title=""></a> Wed, 10 Dec 2008 06:19:24 -0500 Guest comment 6699 at Jodie Sweetin's divorce Jodie Sweetin has been blessed and cursed at the same time. Being a child actor is not easy. Sure it looks glamorous and it is but getting that much fame, that fast without a support system to teach you the do's and don'ts is down right dangerous. Couple that with drugs, love and marriage and it can be a disaster at best. I'm really sad to hear that her marriage with Cody Herpin didn't pan out. I'm guessing she needs to take a little time to put her life in order before trying to move forward on any love front. I wish her the best and I hope she finds the support that she needs. Little DJ has made a mess of things. Her House is very Full but not with good things. Mon, 08 Dec 2008 14:55:57 -0500 Guest comment 6690 at Demi Mooore Blends .. families perils of wisdom from jill brooke jbrooke is the " go to girlfriend" for advise on blended families. all of be writing gives me hope that we too can blend and love will prevail for all. thank you jill! Fri, 05 Dec 2008 18:54:05 -0500 Guest comment 6669 at This one realy makes me sad These two have been together for so long it really makes me said to see them split up. Marg Helgenberger and Alan Rosenberg were the poster children for what a marriage in Hollywood is supposed to look like and now they are splitting up?! I'm a bit shocked. They have a knack for staying out of the press too so this comes from out of the blue. I wish them both well and I'm glad to see they were able to keep it together long enough for their some to become of age and out of the house. Thu, 04 Dec 2008 11:17:02 -0500 Guest comment 6661 at It's about time!!! I find it interesting that now there are things like discounts for divorce taking place. It seems like there should always have been some type of low cost divorce for those in low-income situations. I'm glad it's taking place but I feel like saying "better late than never" at this point. Wed, 03 Dec 2008 13:00:25 -0500 Guest comment 6654 at