firstwivesworld - Maybe Marriage Isn’t For Everybody - Comments Comments for "Maybe Marriage Isn’t For Everybody" en Not wife material! I was married at 21, divorced after 6 years and 2 kids, now 23 years later I'm still single and sometimes happy not to have a man to deal with. I tried the dating scene early after the divorce and dated a few guys for a few years then after getting nowhere in any relationship I gave up and just worked on being a mom and handling my own life. My kids are grown now and I have grandkids so I feel I've done a good job. Still it would be nice to go out and date again, I never give up hope. Mon, 17 Dec 2007 16:14:17 -0500 CeeMarie comment 3614 at I think that each person has <p>I think that each person has a very different experience- and some are going to be ready to put themselves out there and some won't.</p> <p>CM</p> Sun, 25 Nov 2007 09:15:32 -0500 Guest comment 3367 at For *me, I felt like I <p>For *me, I felt like I invested so much in to my 13 year marriage that it's hard to imagine being able to summon up the energy or the vulnerability to put myself in that position again. I'm financially in a good position - so it's not that - it's just hard to think about trusting someone to not hurt me emotionally. Plus, my kids are 7, 8 and 10 - I think they need me more than I need a relationship right now. *Maybe in 10 years. I can't even imagine going on a date right now, much less getting married agian.</p> Sat, 24 Nov 2007 19:58:19 -0500 Guest comment 3365 at Maybe Marriage Isn’t For Everybody <p>When I first read the poll that’s currently running on the sidebar of <b>First Wives World</b>, I was surprised. The question running right now is “Will you consider marrying again?” Obviously, since I’m engaged to be married now, my answer is pretty clear. But I was surprised by the number of people who said “No, never again.&quot;</p><p>At the time of this writing, 27 percent of readers say they will never marry again. I found it interesting that more than a quarter of divorced women would not even consider walking down the aisle again in their lifetime.</p><p>It’s so easy to become convinced that your own viewpoint is the right one. I’ve always thought that marriage is about the couple, not the institution. It would appear that not everyone shares my view. When I told my partner about the poll, I likened it to food. “That’s like eating sushi, hating it, and then saying you’re never going to eat food again. Not all food is sushi.” I know that was a fairly broad, sweeping statement, but I wonder about its truth. </p><p>When I first separated from my husband, I had no idea how my life was going to go. I was so young — I’m still so young — and I would have felt pretty ridiculous saying something so final.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Ask the Community Mind and Spirit Contemplating Divorce Sat, 24 Nov 2007 18:00:00 -0500 Naomi Dunne 975 at