firstwivesworld - Not In The Mood For This - Comments Comments for "Not In The Mood For This" en Faith, Please remember <p>Faith,<br /> Please remember are the one who is paying the bill here...ultimately you are the boss! It may be a hospital setting but you do have the right to demand pain medicine for you son or to have the doctor in sooner. You CAN stand up to the nurses and you can ask for a different nurse to be on his case. Your son should not be left screaming for four hours straight. That is simply cruel to do to a baby. I know you are alone and tired and frustrated but find that strength within that I know you have. </p> <p>You also have the right to have your son transferred to a Children's Hospital if he isn't in one and there is one nearby...where they actually know how to empathize with sick children and worried parents.</p> <p>I wish I were nearby...I would come and sit with you. Hold Adrian for you so you could sleep for a moment of two or just so you knew you weren't in this alone.</p> <p>Sending love and prayers and tons of support,<br /> Randie</p> Wed, 21 Nov 2007 12:03:17 -0500 Guest comment 3328 at Faith, I am in-house counsel <p>Faith, I am in-house counsel for a hospital system. That kind of conduct from any hospital staff is inexcusable. You should ask to speak to the supervisor and ask to file a formal complaint. The trouble with healthcare workers is that they have to work to hard for too many hours and it makes them insensitive. Doctors too. I'm glad you had a good experience with yours. It doesn't hurt to make sure that these nurses are reminded to be sensitive to the patient. I can't begin to tell you how utterly inappropriate it is for nurses to be talking about your son's penis out in the public area. If you could hear it, others could too.</p> Wed, 21 Nov 2007 11:23:29 -0500 Guest comment 3327 at Not In The Mood For This <p>Adrian is <a href="/node/945">still in the hospital</a> and I hate to say it, but the majority of the nurses here are obnoxious. </p><p>Case in point: Adrian had been screaming inconsolably for hours. It was because he was in so much pain — he's not normally a screamer. He was refusing to be put down, so I was holding him the entire time. A nurse walks in and asks me if Adrian has any brothers or sisters at home. I say no, and she walks out. I thought that weird. </p><p>I then overheard her say to another nurse, &quot;He doesn't have any siblings at home, that's why he's so spoiled&quot;. Spoiled? Excuse me? I must admit that I went a little ballistic, not crazy, but I got a little harsh with her. &quot;My son is not spoiled, he's in pain!&quot; I wanted to add &quot;you f***ing bitch,&quot; but I refrained. </p><p>Fast forward a few hours. A different nurse comes in to take Adrian's temperature, vital signs, and such. Adrian is still screaming and she says &quot;My, my, somebody has a temper.&quot; </p><p>Oh my God! Now keep in mind, I've been holding a screaming baby for close to four hours at this point, so I'm not exactly calm. My reply was something along the lines of &quot;He doesn't have a temper, he's in pain...but you're right. Somebody here does have a temper, and its me.&quot;</p><p>These types of things kept happening until the doctor finally arrived and gave Adrian some medicine to calm him down and ease his pain. The doctor was fabulous — caring and kind — and for that I am very grateful.</p><p>It was finally quiet in our room when I overheard the nurses talking at the nurses' station. One nurse asked the other if my son was circumcised. The other nurse replied that he must be, because due to this last name, he is clearly Jewish.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> children of divorce divorced women moving beyond divorce Health and Body Kids and Family Moving Beyond Divorce Wed, 21 Nov 2007 08:00:00 -0500 Faith Eggers 955 at