firstwivesworld - What Are Your Favorite Divorce Lines? - Comments Comments for "What Are Your Favorite Divorce Lines?" en Ha! <p>That guy I was 'dating'--- Jeff, the no-strings guy-- said the same exact thing to me....and I was speechless!</p> <p>Thanks,</p> <p>Faith</p> Fri, 09 Nov 2007 13:53:20 -0500 Faith Eggers comment 3180 at The best way to get over someone... <p>is to get under someone. I actually had a friend say that to me. It seemed to be the opinion of most of my friends, that if I were out sleeping around it would hasten my healing. As if sex could wipe the slate clean and render me free of any emotional pain.</p> <p>I like sex as well as the next person. It's powerful stuff BUT it doesn't have that kind of power. It made me wonder if my friends thought I was that shallow or did I have friends who were that shallow. </p> <p>I think people lose their ability to think rationally when dealing with other people's pain. They say stupid things in an attempt to help. At times we have to over-look their ignorance...Cathy Meyer</p> Fri, 09 Nov 2007 10:18:40 -0500 Guest comment 3178 at Release the Anger <p>The truth is, most people that say these things, truly care about us, and don't intend for these statements to hurt us.<br /> Yes, we still get angry. They probably don't understand the emotional upheaval we are going through and how much these statements hurt us.</p> <p>I've been reading a book called, How to Stop People from pushing your buttons" and it talks about how we allow our emotions to be affected by everyday situations. You should pick it up. It might help. </p> <p>I've been so angry lately as well. I've found so much comfort in playing guitar (as loud as I want) and playing music that I enjoy that helps me feel better... Good luck! Find something you like to release your anger... Hugs!</p> <p>Taylor Raine</p> Fri, 09 Nov 2007 10:13:43 -0500 Taylor Raine comment 3177 at What Are Your Favorite Divorce Lines? What is it about some people that makes them utterly incapable of understanding how painfully damaging a divorce is? I'm getting tired of hearing the following phrases:<p><b> &quot;Forget about him&quot;</b> — Oh sure, that's easy. Adrian isn't a constant reminder of him or anything silly like that. Silly me, here I've been in this state of utter agony for God knows how long when all I had to do was forget about him! Boy, do I feel like an idiot now.</p><p><b>&quot;Move on with your life&quot;</b> — I swear on everything that is sacred to me, if I hear that one more time I may haul off and smack someone. As if I haven't moved on with my life. As if I haven't been doing everything in my power to blow full steam ahead. OF COURSE I'm moving on with my life — I have no f@%$ing choice! That doesn't mean that its not ridiculously hard.</p><p><b>&quot;You'll find someone better&quot;</b> — This one really gets me. It implies that first of all, I married a total loser — which admittedly I did, but still, nobody likes their mistakes rubbed in their face — and secondly, it implies that I am looking for somebody &quot;better.&quot; It also seems to imply that when I find that better someone, that I will miraculously recover and <b>&quot;forget about him&quot;</b> — the first &quot;him&quot;, not the &quot;better&quot; him.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Ask the Community Fri, 09 Nov 2007 09:30:00 -0500 Faith Eggers 888 at