First Wives World - Battle Royale: My Ex Wants To Reduce His Child Support Payments - Comments Comments for "Battle Royale: My Ex Wants To Reduce His Child Support Payments" en Reply to Understand <p>You can't forgive and move on. That is your daughter. Have a lawyer</p> <p>ask her to go into counseling with you. If not, she will regret these</p> <p>actions forever. </p> <p>Lucy</p> Sun, 01 Jul 2007 15:38:01 -0400 Guest comment 636 at It happened <p>I can honestly say the whole situation was The worst thing I ever went through, it literally overtook my life for many years. Tears anger hurt and finally I got to meet with my daughter and showed her where I had paid over thity-thousand dollars in support over all those years and she stated they had never told her I had sent anything. Needless to say even after all of that she still refuses to part of my life. Except now I know I did everything one person could do, and forgiveness was my key to moving on..I just keep hope that one day she will come back in my life....</p> Fri, 29 Jun 2007 15:36:47 -0400 Guest comment 619 at I would bite nails <p>If someone ever did that to me and my child I don't know what I would do. That sounds like one of those situations that makes a mother want to grab the daughter and run to Mexico. How could someone be so cruel to a mother and her child? Evil...pure evil!</p> Fri, 29 Jun 2007 14:06:50 -0400 Yvonne1973 comment 617 at Understand <p>I truly understand except I went through worse, he took me to court and won custody of my 6 year old daughter and his new wife forced him to take me to court to pay child support which I did for 13 years along with the new wife not allowing my daughter to call me mom, plus so much more. She is now 21 and does not want to have anything to do with me, which has been the hardest thing I have ever gone through....But I had to forgive and move on...</p> Fri, 29 Jun 2007 13:54:29 -0400 Guest comment 615 at what a MO-FO he is <p>and by MO-FO, I mean exactly what you think I mean. How low class, and insensitive of him to do this to you Lucy. what a shame you have to deal with this ...</p> Thu, 28 Jun 2007 18:16:01 -0400 Guest comment 610 at I love it! <p>That is exactly what you should be doing. Take him for everything! It sure does sound like the new wife is the little bug in his ear that you need to squash!</p> Thu, 28 Jun 2007 16:03:46 -0400 Yvonne1973 comment 604 at Battle Royale: My Ex Wants To Reduce His Child Support Payments Bill just didn't want to have lunch with me. He wanted to eat me alive. <p>As I heard the words come out of his mouth about how he wanted to reduce his monthly child support payments, how he thought he was entitled to more than half of the New York condo we owned together and how he wanted me to chip in for college expenses, summer camps and sporting events, my mind went back to the days when he told me he loved me unconditionally. </p><p>He was like a dog in heat. He couldn't get me into bed fast enough. He wanted to explore, explore, explore. He rushed me to have kids, buy real estate and to acquire all the trappings that come along with being a successful doctor. </p><p>After years of supporting him while he was in medical school, now Bill wanted to strip me of my 20-year investment in him. His head almost did a 360-degree turn when I detailed how I planned to take what was rightfully mine. </p><p>Most of you know me as the insecure divorcee who’s clueless about my future, but when I hit the lowest low, watch out. I’m fearless and I love to express it and watch others shit. </p> wiveswire Thu, 28 Jun 2007 15:27:33 -0400 Lucy Taylor 850 at