First Wives World - Mother-In-Law: Friend Or Foe? - Comments Comments for "Mother-In-Law: Friend Or Foe?" en Mother of a Mother-In-Law <p>The worse Mother-In-Law situation I heard of was my mother and my grandmother. My grandmother used to bug the crap out of my mother all because she was a woman taking away one of her boys. She pulled the same game on all the women her boys married. But I have to give her one piece of credit. She always loved the grandchildren. Spoiled us like crazy and when my parents divorced she pulled my mother aside and told my mother that she was the best thing that every happened to my father and that she was sorry for the way she treated her. She actually asked that they not divorce. My mother was in total shock!</p> Thu, 28 Jun 2007 18:16:29 -0400 Yvonne1973 comment 611 at I think... <p>that if you want to be a she-monster, you will become that. I think there is a place every mother 'goes' when her son marries but it's how they deal with the separation and realization that they aren't losing a son but also gaining a person who loves their son.<br /> now, that all goes out the window if your son decides to marry a crazy woman...than we would all help you chase her away.<br /> Rrrrrr!<br /> VE</p> Thu, 28 Jun 2007 08:15:10 -0400 Guest comment 600 at Wow <p>She sounds like a real peach...yikes!<br /> VE</p> Thu, 28 Jun 2007 08:11:57 -0400 Guest comment 599 at Hi Judy <p>Thanks for the post and for reading.<br /> Emotionally high maitenence is so TIRING. I totally get that.<br /> Take care~<br /> ve</p> Thu, 28 Jun 2007 08:11:14 -0400 Guest comment 598 at Take him. I've had him for 26 years. <p>That was the attitude of my mother-in-law. She really is sweet but always had a sarcastic side. Didn't quite know if she was serious or kidding. But deep down I think she was emotionally exhausted. Bill was "emotionally" high maintenence. </p> <p>Oh well, she's got him back now.</p> <p>Judy</p> Thu, 28 Jun 2007 06:11:35 -0400 Guest comment 594 at Monster-In Law <p>Well how about my ex bought me a ring for mothers day and his mother made him take it back because she said i did not deserve it and he did. Or the time his mother called me up and told me to start having sex with her son!....</p> Wed, 27 Jun 2007 20:48:42 -0400 Guest comment 592 at what is it with mother-in-laws anyway? <p>On the rare occasion, I've had friends rave about how wonderful their mother-in-laws were, but for the most part there just seems to be this innate, built in, "you'll just never be good enough" attitude from almost every mother-in-law I've ever encountered or heard about. Will I be destined to be the same way if I have a son and he eventually marries? Do we as women naturally evolve into envious, oedipal she-monsters when our children marry? Say it isn't true</p> Wed, 27 Jun 2007 20:39:54 -0400 Guest comment 589 at Mother-In-Law: Friend Or Foe? <p>Hindsight is a crystal clear 20/20 and as I prepare for my second wedding and marriage, I can see the laundry list of things that were wrong in my first marriage. One of them had to be the fact that my ex-husband’s mother loathed me. </p> <p>It started out as a conflict of personalities. I was normal and she was crazy. </p> <p>My ex was the oldest child and first to get married, as well as the only boy in the family. She doted on him and made excuses for all his bad behavior. So, when I entered the picture, there was already a female in his life—his mother.</p> <p>This took me awhile to see because we weren’t around his parents all that much until after the wedding. Then, my mother-in-law wanted to come see us all the time and wanted us to visit them all the time and it was ridiculous. I told my ex that sometimes it was okay to tell his mother, “No.” Needless to say, that didn’t go over too well.</p> <p>So, one weekend I took it upon myself to say, “No, we’re busy this weekend.” She called me the devil. Sometimes I can turn a blind eye, but hearing that was like being hit with a hot frying pan in the forehead. I went to my ex and he just shrugged and said, “That’s my mom.”</p> wiveswire Wed, 27 Jun 2007 16:13:36 -0400 Vicky Emerson 835 at