firstwivesworld - What&#039;s On Your To-Do List? - Comments Comments for "What's On Your To-Do List?" en I'm a big list maker! The I'm a big list maker! The satisfaction of crossing the task off the list is fantastic, and all the motivation I need to get going! I find that even writing the little things like "take out the trash" make the tasks of the day seem less daunting. I wouldn't put clean entire house under one heading. It's seems more attainable to me to list it all separately. That's my tip! CM Thu, 27 Dec 2007 14:18:35 -0500 Guest comment 3732 at What's On Your To-Do List? <p>When I was married to my first husband, the only thing he was really good at was housework. He loved to clean and I was happy to let him. I guess I should have hired him as my maid instead of marrying him.</p><p>When we divorced, my list of things to do doubled and tripled and became a bit overwhelming. Adjusting to the amount of work around the house and extra things he always took care of took some time. But I found a system that worked for me and eventually things fell into place.</p><p>Five years since my divorce, my future husband doesn’t use to-do lists like I do. Cleaning is not his strong suit, either, which I’m taking as a good sign. Each week, I try to prioritize what needs attention between what is work related, house related, and wedding related.</p><p>He finds my little lists all over our apartment and luckily, he finds it endearing. Honestly, I find satisfaction seeing the line through a completed task. Any FWW methods to control the day-to-day madness?</p> dating again divorced women firstwivesworld marriage moving beyond divorce second weddings Mind and Spirit House and Home Moving Beyond Divorce Sun, 28 Oct 2007 09:00:00 -0400 Vicky Emerson 821 at