firstwivesworld - In Dreams Begin Responsibilities - Comments Comments for "In Dreams Begin Responsibilities" en In Dreams Begin Responsibilities <p>Sometimes I still dream about Levi. But not in the way you think. When we first separated I couldn't even sleep, let alone dream. Then, when I finally started dreaming again, I'd dream us back together; together as one big happy family.</p><p>I'd wake up from those dreams feeling more depressed than when I went to sleep; dying to go back to sleep and savor that fantasy for just a moment longer.</p><p>I'm so glad I don't do that anymore.</p><p>Now I have angry dreams. </p><p>Now I have dreams in which I am screaming at him.<br /><br />Now I have dreams in which I am leaving him behind.</p><p>Now I have dreams in which I am kicking him out of my house.</p><p>I had one of these dreams last night. In my dream, Levi was in my house (don't ask me why) with his whole family.</p><p>They were sitting there as I reamed each and every one of them. I was screaming and crying, asking them how they could do this to my son? I remember that I was screaming at Levis' sister, &quot;How dare you!!&quot;</p><p>I awoke from this dream slightly startled. Why am I still dreaming about this?</p><p>In truth, I don't really feel as angry as I used to. I've worked hard at letting that anger go.</p><p>This prompted me to do some research on dreams and I've discovered that people work out their issues through dreaming.</p><p>One <a href=",%20Rosalind%20D">study</a>, conducted by the Association for the Study of Dreams, looked at 49 people going through divorce. The study showed that people who incorporated their ex into their dreams at the time of the break up were significantly less depressed and better adjusted to their new lives at the follow up point than those who did not.</p><p>Another remedy for divorce: Get plenty of rest.</p> divorce blog Mind and Spirit Moving Beyond Divorce Tue, 22 Jul 2008 10:44:54 -0400 Faith Eggers 7367 at