firstwivesworld - Can&#039;t Stop the Feeling - Comments Comments for "Can't Stop the Feeling " en Can't Stop the Feeling <p>They say the definition of insanity is to repeat the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Sometimes I wonder if dating is a form of insanity.</p><p>Think about it: We date, over and over again – perhaps falling into some form of love (I'm still working on defining the word) – and ultimately, at least thus far, it all falls apart, leaving us feeling empty, broken, despondent, depressed and longing for more.<br /> <br />We repeat this process over and over, each time expecting a different result.<br /> <br />Each time, we hope that this time it will be different. This time it will work out. This time I've found my prince charming.</p><p>My relationship with the new guy is going well, so well in fact that I find myself frightened. So well that I think I may purposely screw it up, just so that I can remain in control.<br /> <br />That's the scariest part of a relationship, I think: the feeling that you are out of control. If you fall in love with someone, you give them the power to hurt you.<br />  <br />I don't want to be hurt again.</p><p>I can't allow myself to be hurt again.</p><p>I know this.</p><p>I know how far I've come since Levi, and I marvel at it sometimes. I am good now. I am at peace now. I am content now.<br />  <br />What I don’t need right now is this giddy, makes-me-want-to-throw-up, happy, butterflies-in-my-stomach feeling. </p><p>This waking up next to someone, and reveling in it.<br /> <br />These dinners and conversations.<br />  <br />This falling in love.</p><p>I know he's it, my next big thing. Big heartache or big disappointment or big ... something.<br /> <br />It's like I'm on a roller coaster headed for a brick wall, I know I should jump off, but I'm having so much fun that I’ve decided to wait until the absolute last moment.<br /> <br />I do not need this right now, but, at the same time, I cannot stop it.</p> Elaina Goodman falling in love Sex and Love Moving Beyond Divorce Thu, 17 Jul 2008 10:28:52 -0400 Faith Eggers 7352 at