firstwivesworld - Chief Executive Girlfriend ALERT! - Comments Comments for "Chief Executive Girlfriend ALERT!" en getting dressed for work <p>Debbie, I hate even thinking about what I should or shouldn't wear. I wish we would evolve to sweat suits. I've worn the business suit etc etc all my life... and I guess it's old after so many years. However, I'm enjoying the companies like Microsoft who dress down. I hope the trend continues and someday we can come to work as we like. </p> <p>Meanwhile, I found Talbot's to be a great stop.. And once you figure out what fits for you it's easy to order from their catalog..</p> <p>Meanwhile, I have this important interview on Monday October 16 at 3:35 and I don't know what to wear? Just joking....</p> <p>Dorothy from grammolgogy<br /> call your grandma<br /> <a href="" title=""></a></p> Thu, 11 Oct 2007 05:13:06 -0400 Guest comment 2766 at Chief Executive Girlfriend ALERT! I love my title and I decided whenever I want to get you guys involved in something I will issue a CEG ALERT. LOL. <p><a href=""><i>PINK </i>magazine</a> is one of my favorite womens business and lifestyle publications. At the suggestion of my dear old friend Sharon Haver (<a href="" title=""></a>) who I recently interviewed for an upcoming <b>First Wives World</b> segment on fashion, <i>PINK </i>magazine writer Christine Van Dusen interviewed me yesterday for a story about &quot;dressing for the job you want.&quot; </p><p>She is interested in including the thoughts of professional women and what they think about image and fashion and the role it does or doesn't play as you plot out your career.</p><p>I told her trying to get dressed for work gives me a brain tumor. </p><p>She asked me if I knew other women who would enjoy being interviewed on this topic and I suggested all of you in the <b>First Wives World</b> community! </p><p>Here's Christine's email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>. Go ahead and email her and tell her I sent you. </p><p>Your 15 minutes of fame may have arrived!</p><p><i>Best!<br /></i></p><p><i>Debbie</i></p> divorced women firstwivesworld moving beyond divorce Career and Pursuits Moving Beyond Divorce Tue, 09 Oct 2007 14:15:00 -0400 Debbie Nigro 726 at