firstwivesworld - Local FWW Clubs? - Comments Comments for "Local FWW Clubs?" en FWW club <p>I'm in eastern Iowa so anything here or even Chicago, Madison, etc. I'd be interested in. Hey Chicago!? Maybe we can start a club ? Kerry</p> Sun, 18 Nov 2007 22:01:04 -0500 kschadl comment 3267 at FWW Clubs <p>I'm in the Seattle area. Let me know when you have a club here!</p> Thu, 18 Oct 2007 01:36:33 -0400 Skydancer comment 2846 at Local FWW Clubs? A reader from Chicago recently wrote to us and asked whether <b>First Wives World</b> has formed localized &quot;clubs.&quot; Here is what she wrote:<p>&quot;I am a professional recently divorced woman in my late thirties with two children living in the suburbs of Chicago. Are you aware of any clubs that I can contact for meeting other women like myself? I am not looking for a dating club, but a social club where I can meet some girlfriends like myself.&quot;</p><p>Great minds really do think alike! While we aren't equipped just yet to organize local clubs and events around the country, plans are in the works for local <b>First Wives World</b> groups. And this reader isn't the first to ask us this. There are many women who are looking to network and hang out with other women going through similar experiences as they are.</p><p>So stay tuned...! We'll let you know when local FWW groups launch, but in the meantime, if any of you know any suggestions of groups, clubs, or events in Chicago, then comment away!</p> Ask the Community Contemplating Divorce Navigating Divorce Moving Beyond Divorce Tue, 09 Oct 2007 10:15:00 -0400 Katherine McKee 723 at