firstwivesworld - How To Hook a Man - Comments Comments for "How To Hook a Man" en hooker vs. hooked Prostitution is illegal. So the woman selling her body is the one who goes to jail. It is not a double standard. I think men are like little boys who are always trying to get away with something and not get caught. I guess they feel a prostitute is "safer" because there are no strings attached. Just a mindless romp in the hay. Getting some "strange" as they say. Sun, 06 Jul 2008 09:12:44 -0400 Guest comment 5749 at getting hooked Lighten up, it was a metaphor. I used Debbies line as an opening statement. I see the single woman at my gym flirt with married men all the time. The men love it. I think it is sad, it is like both the single woman and the married man are desperate for some kind of attention. The single woman looking for the unattainable...why else would she be unmarried, and the man taking it all in. Of course we all need our ego's stroked, and let's be honest, when the husband gets home, he probably will have to take out the trash, which we know that flirty gym girl owns no trash to take out, except herself! Fri, 20 Jun 2008 06:54:29 -0400 Guest comment 5708 at getting your hooks into a man Excuse me for my ignorance but I don't understand how carrying a hanger of clothing on your arm and chatting with a friend and accidentally getting hooked on someone makes you a "typical single gal". I suppose that being a "typical married gal" you apparently know the "correct" way to carry clothing over your arm? I think that you answered your own question - single women don't go after married men...the married men go searching for less critical women. My suggestion is to buy your sister and your friends some HANGERS! Sat, 14 Jun 2008 21:38:15 -0400 Guest comment 5703 at Someone should blog about Someone should blog about single women and married men dating... my question, though- why would a married man date a single woman? Why is it always seemingly the woman's fault? It's kind of how I feel about prostitution, really. Why is it that the call girl is always prosecuted and the willing male participant is given a slap on the wrist? Double standard anyone? CM Sat, 14 Jun 2008 09:16:39 -0400 Guest comment 5699 at single women dating married men Ask your staff, I wonder how many woman are currently dating or have dated married men. I just do not get it. Is it a competition? Do woman get a thrill out of hurting other woman? Is it that high school mentality, do they not realize they are hurting so many people? Do they do it because they were cheated on by their husbands? Tue, 10 Jun 2008 11:46:53 -0400 Guest comment 5684 at Single gals going after married men.... You're right. That's something to blog about...and I will. Sorry for your sister and your friends. Thanks for bringing it up. Debbie Fri, 06 Jun 2008 10:58:25 -0400 Guest comment 5667 at getting your hooks into a man Sounds like a typical single gal, going after a married man. Happens all the time. Happened to my sister and my best friends. Why do single woman go after married men? That is something to blog about. Thu, 05 Jun 2008 14:57:16 -0400 Guest comment 5658 at Hook a man! You crack me up. Never thought it could be so easy! Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:29:29 -0400 Guest comment 5656 at How To Hook a Man <p>Yesterday in NYC I was walking briskly along with a businessgal buddy when the oddest thing happened. I hooked a man — literally. </p><p>I was carrying a suit bag filled filled with clothes on hangers over my left arm as we yapped our way down the street. </p><p>An older gentleman and his wife were walking past us in the opposite direction. They obviously passed too close and somehow my hangars hooked on the husband, and yanked me backwards after him. </p><p>I was trying to unhook myself from him but his wife thought I was intentionally molesting him and was pulling him away from me yelling, &quot;He's mine!&quot; </p><p>She obviously didn't see the hanger. </p><p>Strangely, the same thing had happened just three minutes before with a construction guy as I was crossing the street. That one almost cost me a two by four to the head. </p><p>So here's what I discovered: You can literally hook a man on the street. </p><p>Now I just have to work on my aim. </p> Sex and Love Contemplating Divorce Navigating Divorce Moving Beyond Divorce Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:18:24 -0400 Debbie Nigro 7066 at