firstwivesworld - Living Someone Else&#039;s Life - Comments Comments for "Living Someone Else's Life" en Yea. I get that. RBYS Yea. I get that. RBYS Mon, 02 Jun 2008 12:42:34 -0400 Guest comment 5630 at How wonderful that you are How wonderful that you are blessed with a brother who loves you and your children unconditionally. No wonder you don't want to leave. CM Sun, 01 Jun 2008 19:09:12 -0400 Guest comment 5624 at Living Someone Else's Life <p>I don't waste much time feeling sorry for myself anymore. Not usually.</p><p>That path goes the wrong direction, a downward spiral. Self-pity is the opposite of gratitude and learning gratitude has been a challenge but I'm there. Most days. </p><p>Not today. I'm sitting in a big leather chair in my brother's new house, boxes all around, and I don't want to get on a plane and fly back to my life tomorrow. I've been in Arizona a week, which is usually about four days too long, but I think about going home tomorrow. I'm wiping tears with my sleeves. Rubbing my eyelids dry with my forefingers.</p> <p>Most days I accept my best for what it is. I believe in self acceptance lies the openness to achieve and grow and cultivate gratitude. Know that I'm good enough.</p> <p>My brother and his partner have an outdoor fireplace that looks like it should be a fountain. It's a long, narrow basin filled with blue glass chunks. The wall behind it is white tile, so you'd think water should cascade down it into the glass. But under the glass, in a layer of sand you don't see, there's a gas pipe. Turn it on, light and flame burns on the glass.</p> <p>Their dining room chandelier is from Holland. They saw it in a window last winter and had to have it, Googled compulsively until they found it. The soap dispenser by the kitchen sink is motion activated, put your hand under and the gel drips out.</p> <p>My brother and his partner have offered to pay for all the vision therapy Roxie needs to &quot;train her eyes to keep up with her brain.&quot; So her hands can do what her eyes can see.</p> <p>I'm grateful. I have a list of learning differences that have never been addressed. I'm hopeful in the long run this means Roxie won't spend her life struggling to survive, as I do, because of challenges no one can see.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> contemplating divorce downward spiral kids self pity Mind and Spirit Kids and Family Contemplating Divorce Sun, 01 Jun 2008 15:00:00 -0400 Elaina Goodman 6992 at