firstwivesworld - Where&#039;s Daddy? - Comments Comments for "Where's Daddy?" en yeah its sad My father is the same way. I'm an adult now and we don't talk at all. And my mom really tried to keep him in my life, what a selfish b@st@rd!!!!!! Fri, 12 Sep 2008 19:25:08 -0400 Guest comment 6032 at It Breaks My Heart But, Faith, so many little boys and girls do not get to know their daddy. What a sad statement about our society. I feel your pain for little Adrian. All I can tell you is to just love him, hold him and be there. He's a bit young, but as he grows and really begins to grasp the mommy and daddy concept, he will become more and more curious. I do not envy you, but we're all here for you. Take heart, Mom. Fri, 23 May 2008 17:14:34 -0400 Wanda Woodard comment 5553 at Where's Daddy? <p>My good friend was babysitting Adrian for me a few days ago. When I walked into the house to pick him up they were putting together a big wooden puzzle of the United States. </p><p>Adrian must have had the California piece in his hands because I heard Rachel say, &quot;That's where daddy lives, in Hollywood.&quot; </p><p>Then she turned and saw me and the shocked look on my face. </p><p>She said to me, &quot;Faith, that's really the only place for him, you know, being that he's such a superficial asshole.&quot; <br /> </p><p>I get it that my friends think Levi is an asshole. I get it that they are totally disgusted with him. Really, how could you not be. </p><p>But should this go on around my son? </p><p>No, it shouldn't. </p><p>But is telling Adrian that his &quot;daddy&quot; lives in California appropriate either? I don't know. </p><p>I've said all along that when he asks, I'll tell him the truth. But now, as he is talking quite well, and getting closer and closer to asking, I'm not really sure what the &quot;right truth&quot; to tell him is. </p><p>I guess the simplest truth is that he is in California. </p><p>Some people think that Levi will eventually come around. Come around, you know, be emotional, form a bond, take part in his son's life. Mostly though, the people that believe that don't really know him.<br /><br /> </p> dad father kids son Kids and Family Navigating Divorce Fri, 23 May 2008 08:20:45 -0400 Faith Eggers 6928 at