firstwivesworld - Under One Roof? - Comments Comments for "Under One Roof?" en Thank goodness that we live Thank goodness that we live in a society that is free- we can choose what situations will and will not work for us, and the only thing stopping us is what other people may think about our choices. CM Sat, 24 May 2008 16:18:05 -0400 Guest comment 5564 at Under One Roof? <p>A few months ago I read a <i>Newsweek</i> article written by a woman who was in the middle of a divorce. She and her husband had both come to the realization that the marriage wasn't going to work, so while they still remained friends they knew that divorce was inevitable.</p><p>Instead of splitting up the household goods, working out a custody arrangement for the kids, and then going their separate ways, they still lived together in the same house they bought as a married couple. They had separate bedrooms, but they still maintained the home concurrently. The kids knew the parents were divorcing at that eventually they would be split up into two households, but until the house sells they'll all stay together under one roof. </p><p>I remember thinking to myself as I read the article, &quot;Is this feasible? Can two people who are divorcing share a house and not be freaked out the whole time?&quot; I figured it must be an exceptional situation, and didn't give it much more thought until a friend recently told me about her neighbor who is doing the exact same thing. Apparently they're afraid to put the house on the market because of the current real estate environment, so they've set up separate bedrooms and they've already filed the divorce paperwork.</p> <p>Does anyone else think this is weird?</p><p>If I filed for divorce I would not want to live in the same house as my husband. Maybe it's different for me because my husband absolutely does not want a divorce, so it would be weird to live with him and deal with the whole, &quot;Are you sure you want to do this? Can't we work it out? How could you do this to me?&quot; thing that I would probably get from him every single day. Not being able to be physically away from him would be bizarre, considering the circumstances.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> contemplating divorce home living apart together two households Mind and Spirit Kids and Family House and Home Contemplating Divorce Sat, 24 May 2008 13:00:00 -0400 Megan Thomas 6921 at