firstwivesworld - Making the Grade - Comments Comments for "Making the Grade" en hold on to this feeling. hold on to this feeling. wait: i think that's a lyric from journey--sorry--but still, hold on to it. you seem to be in a great place. congrats on starting your classes. i'm a huge believer in life-long learning. i look forward to hearing how it goes! Wed, 21 May 2008 21:17:32 -0400 bargee comment 5534 at Making the Grade <p>My classes started a few days ago and I was pleasantly surprised. All of this time I've been thinking — or rather, stressing out — that I may have gotten in over my head. &quot;Taking 12 credits over the summer is highly ambitious,&quot; said the advisor. &quot;Are you sure you're going to be able to fit it all in?&quot; she asked. </p><p>I have a tendency to do that. I get excited about something and really overload myself. I like to get a jump on things. I like to finish first. </p><p>These classes are going to be relatively easy, though. The professors are really great, the coursework is interesting to me, and now, I'm really excited. </p><p>I was talking to a new friend about Adrian yesterday. I told her how looking back, I don't know how I've done what I've done so far. </p><p>It seems almost unbelievable to me now that I gave birth, took care of an infant, moved around and have been working full time, all by myself. I don't know how I did it. I do know that now, as a result, I am a coffee addict. But hey, whatever gets you through, right? </p><p>But the truth is, I do know how I did it. I wanted to do it. </p> Career and Pursuits Navigating Divorce Wed, 21 May 2008 15:40:57 -0400 Faith Eggers 6902 at