firstwivesworld - Thinking Out Loud - Comments Comments for "Thinking Out Loud" en Hmm, interesting. I dont Hmm, interesting. I dont think I agree that its about holding on too tightly either, I'm not sure. Or maybe all unpleasant emotions, maybe all emotions, are. But this week, I'm surely thinking a lot about all that, what loss means. J Fri, 23 May 2008 04:24:14 -0400 Guest comment 5548 at Hmmmmm... that's definitely Hmmmmm... that's definitely worth chewing on! RBYS Wed, 21 May 2008 10:16:51 -0400 Guest comment 5527 at Grief I don't know if I agree that Grief is the price we pay for holding on to tightly, but those who don't feel grief do not feel joy either. By suppressing grief we suppress the ability to feel joy...... and there are some very unfortunate people who do not either suppress or experience grief but they do not feel much of anything at all. Wed, 21 May 2008 01:40:49 -0400 elainemarleneforbes comment 5524 at Just thinking I was just thinking about this, or something like this, today when I heard a line from a song that I love, it goes like this.."You and me we did the same damn thing, we fell in love, knowing the pain it would bring, now all I do is sing, sad songs, wtih red eyes...." Wow, right. And its so true. And it got me thinking that love is like a roller coaster and you know, you just know, that its going to be great -- but eventually that out of control, I can't breathe, giddy / scary feeling will be gone....eventually you may crash right into a wall. And, was it worth it? I guess, for me, I still don't know. I'd love to say ABSOLUTLEY, but I'd be lying. I think this is why I've had such control issues when dating again. I'm afraid I'm going to get into that giddy spot and throw caution to the wind and ultimatley end up flat on my face again. So in short, was it worth it? I don't know. But was it fun? Hell yes. Tue, 20 May 2008 21:58:43 -0400 Faith Eggers comment 5523 at Thinking Out Loud <p>Here's one from the comments:</p><p>&quot;Grief is the price we pay for love...end of story.&quot; </p><p>I've been all week trying to figure that one out. First, if it was in response to the post or if it was just a general belief, then, if it mattered. </p><p>It doesn't. It's just a good thought to think on, because there's a whole lot of truth in it. Grief is the price we pay. For everything dear to us. For living life, grief is a cost. </p><p>But, so what? If we had no grief, we'd have no passion. If we have no passion, what's the point? </p><p>The thing is, I keep going back to that comment because I don't understand the writer's intent. Maybe s/he was agreeing with me. Saying exactly what I'm trying to figure out how to say right here. </p><p>It's not a cynical outlook. It just is. Everything worth having comes with risk taking. Everything that comes goes. </p><p>I've always thought of &quot;this too shall pass,&quot; in terms of hard times, because the good times, we want those to last for ever. But, this too shall pass. Our lives are fluid. </p><p>Like the ocean, we're the water not the waves. The tide comes in and the tide washes back out, the water remains. </p><p>Grief is not the price we pay for love. Grief is the price we pay for holding on too tightly. </p><p>Grief is the price we pay for being human. </p><p>I say it's all worth the grief. </p> Mind and Spirit Contemplating Divorce Tue, 20 May 2008 17:00:03 -0400 Elaina Goodman 6896 at