firstwivesworld - Marriage Is Not the Enemy - Comments Comments for "Marriage Is Not the Enemy" en Good Point! Marriage is not the enemy, nor are men. Right now we are all going through some form of a life transition. We're all fighting battles with our spouses, our ex's, our emotions, our ex's family members or new wives, whatever. So, naturally we're jaded and somewhat sardonic. But this is where we are. I'm with you. I think I need to be less jaded, more open. Still. Don't trust most men. Can't help it. May never trust again. But, right you are. Marriage is not the enemy. Excellent point. Wed, 14 May 2008 10:49:55 -0400 Wanda Woodard comment 5455 at Marriage Is Not the Enemy <p>My uncle and his girlfriend were married yesterday. They've been together for 16 plus years. I've already taken to calling his girlfriend my aunt. It's just easier that way. </p><p>I used to ask them years and years ago when they were going to get married. My uncle would always say something like, &quot;Who needs to get married?&quot; When the Levi disaster happened, I must admit that I started to feel the same way. </p><p>So you can only imagine my surprise when I opened up my e-mail yesterday, yes, my <i>e-mail</i>, to find a message from my uncle that said the following:<br /><br /><i>Faith, </i></p><p><i>Janice and I are getting married at 5 today at the house. We need you to come over and be a witness. </i></p><p>I thought that he was kidding so I called him. Nope, he was serious. </p><p>They were married at 5:00 p.m., in front of their house, underneath their cheery tree. It was only the two of them, the Justice of The Peace, Adrian, and me. Still, it was beautiful. It was perfect. </p><p>I realized yesterday how absolutely jaded I am now. How whenever someone tells me that they're getting married or I hear of someone getting married, my instant reaction is &quot;Why!?&quot; I think to myself, Why would you want to screw up a perfectly good relationship by going and getting married? </p><p>I also realize how silly that sounds. </p><p>Marriage is not the enemy, nor is it something to fear. Marriage is hard work, but can also be filled with happiness, love, and security. </p><p>These two are perfect for one another. The amount of time they've spent together thus far proves that. I don't know if it's possible but I hope that somehow in marriage, there bond can grow even stronger. </p><p>Congratulations, guys! </p> fear marriage Sex and Love Navigating Divorce Tue, 13 May 2008 15:00:24 -0400 Faith Eggers 6780 at