firstwivesworld - The Best Piece of Advice I&#039;ve Ever Gotten - Comments Comments for "The Best Piece of Advice I've Ever Gotten" en Thank you all... for your dear comments! I agree! My mom is a keeper! She is usually the star by which I navigate life. I'm so glad I have a place to show her off to the rest of the world. Also - it is my pleasure to share these moments with you and I'd like to point out that I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the FWW creative team. So, I will pass your gratitude along to them, (keeping a smidgen for myself, of course)... ;) And thanks right back to you for checking this blog out every once in a while and reminding me why I do it. Tue, 27 May 2008 16:15:50 -0400 Sarah Farthing comment 5589 at Yes, you're lucky to have the relationship you have with your Mother. She's really sweet, smart and accepting. More than anyone could ever want. Thanks for allowing us into your lives ... jrt Mon, 26 May 2008 21:51:49 -0400 Guest comment 5575 at Please tell your Mom... ... I'm up for adoption. :) Sun, 18 May 2008 10:10:15 -0400 Guest comment 5491 at thank you! Sarah, I have benefited so much from viewing you and your moms bare, honest appraisals of life and love and struggle. Your search is universal. And in your inquiry we all gain wisdoms. Thank you so very much dear one. You are special. Tammy Thu, 15 May 2008 18:39:38 -0400 Guest comment 5478 at I love your mom. I can't I love your mom. I can't imagine having such a grounded, wise conversation with mine. These conversations your sharing are really cool. Thu, 15 May 2008 18:06:21 -0400 Elaina Goodman comment 5477 at The Best Piece of Advice I've Ever Gotten <p>My mom gives me lots of advice from time to time... some I've taken to heart, some I've flat out ignored, but the best piece of advice turned out to be hard to follow.</p><p>For more of Sarah's story, click <a href="/community/house-bloggers/sarah-farthing">here</a>. </p> Sarah Farthing vlog Kids and Family Navigating Divorce Thu, 15 May 2008 10:12:24 -0400 Sarah Farthing 6765 at