firstwivesworld - Finding My Place - Comments Comments for "Finding My Place" en Never question yourself. I Never question yourself. I love it. CM Fri, 09 May 2008 20:23:28 -0400 Guest comment 5414 at finding yourself If only, we would sometimes just step back and not expect so much from ourselves. It can be a time of reflection and recharge so you later can move on. Well stated and it makes so much sense for us to sometimes just breathe... Dorothy from grammology remember to call gram Fri, 09 May 2008 13:35:45 -0400 Dorotheaa comment 5409 at Finding My Place <p>My friend Lori — the coordinator of the Wit program in California, called me after the program's luncheon a few days ago. She told me that the letter I wrote really tied into the afternoon well, and that those in attendance enjoyed it immensely. </p><p>Here are the highlights of the letter I submitted — very good things to keep in mind — for me and for everyone: </p><p>I remember that my life as it stands is of my choosing, and that I would have it no other way. </p><p>Losing yourself while (ironically) trying to find yourself is a very real possibility. It is easy to get wrapped up in &quot;the process&quot; to the point where you forget why you've even set out in the first place. </p><p>These are the times when is it absolutely necessary to take a step away from things, close your eyes, breathe and reconnect with your inner self — you know, that thing that gets tucked away in the back of your mind and taken for granted whenever there's some obnoxiously prevalent matter to attend to. </p><p>Hold on to your core, to your convictions, your integrity, your humility. Never lose sight of your reasons for doing what you do, and never allow someone to question who you are to the point where you begin to question yourself. Holding on to these principles will at least give you a place to retreat to at the end of the day. </p><p>Turns out I had no problems finding my words at all.<br /><br /> </p> choices journey path Mind and Spirit Moving Beyond Divorce Fri, 09 May 2008 13:00:43 -0400 Akillah Wali 6717 at