firstwivesworld - Time For Self-Preservation - Comments Comments for "Time For Self-Preservation" en I think we have to remember I think we have to remember to live our lives in the now- yes, have clear set goals in place and do something everyday to achieve them, but what about living life? We only get one shot... there ARE plenty of fish in the sea... Sun, 11 May 2008 09:34:45 -0400 Guest comment 5424 at Time For Self-Preservation <p>I submitted my resume for my first potential post-graduation job. I am trying to keep from getting too excited about it, as I don't want to get my hopes up in the event that I don't get it.</p><p>I know what you're thinking, and believe me, I am thinking the same thing: Why on earth am I looking at it from that angle? Why am I selling myself short? Why am I not being more optimistic?</p><p>As much as I wish I did, I do not have the answer to that question, other than to say that if this were a position I didn't care so much about, or feel such a strong attraction to; I wouldn't feel the need to protect my feelings so much.</p><p>Jobs, relationships, classes — funny how it doesn't matter what the case, the behavior is the same — self-preservation, isolation, desensitization. Go through life wearing your best game face.</p><p>Self-preservation is a bitch.</p><p>I wish it weren't so necessary to insulate one's self to the point where it almost seems as if we have to deny that very thing that makes us human.</p><p>I have to remind myself, that this is not the only job I will go for, and that this is not the only job that will resonate so deeply within me. As with so many other things in life, there are plenty of fish in the sea.</p><p>It's a good thing I like fishing.</p> job hunting moving beyond divorce resume self-preservation Mind and Spirit Career and Pursuits Moving Beyond Divorce Sat, 10 May 2008 14:00:00 -0400 Akillah Wali 6707 at