firstwivesworld - From a Child of Divorce: Creating Two Post-Divorce Homes - Comments Comments for "From a Child of Divorce: Creating Two Post-Divorce Homes" en From a Child of Divorce: Creating Two Post-Divorce Homes <p>My parents divorced when I was 4 and my brother was 1, but even being that young I can clearly remember the day my Dad first took us to his new home. It was a one-bedroom apartment in Jamaica, Queens, and coming from our sweet suburban house on Long Island, it seemed very shocking — like we had just been taken to a foreign country. I remember thinking that I would really have to look after my little brother now that we were spending weekends in &quot;the city&quot;. When we got into the elevator, I remember that it was painted bright yellow; my Dad looked at me and said, &quot;I told them to paint it yellow because it is my daughter's favorite color.&quot; And I felt better. We were still in the scary city, but I felt that maybe my brother and I would be OK here. (Years later that comment would come back to me and all of sudden I would realize that my Dad was joking and that of course they hadn't painted the elevator yellow for me — and I'll admit, I was a little disappointed at that...) What I realize now is that, in that comment, my Dad made me feel that I was a part of this new place too.</p><p>Whether it's a house in the 'burbs or an apartment in the city, that new home, at first, will be totally foreign to the kids. And it's important to accept that. Don't try to force the kids to love it or to feel like it's their 2nd home. It's going to take time — the way it would for any person in a new space. </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Kids and Family Moving Beyond Divorce Thu, 08 May 2008 08:24:18 -0400 Vanessa M 6692 at