firstwivesworld - 3 Signs Your Child Knows You&#039;re Getting A Divorce - Comments Comments for "3 Signs Your Child Knows You're Getting A Divorce" en 3 Signs Your Child Knows You're Getting A Divorce <p>Preparing your child(ren) for divorce is a tough task. But are they already aware that a divorce is on the horizon? Watch Debbie’s chat with Certified Parent Coach <a href="/resource/tammy-gold/bio">Tammy Gold</a>, who identifies the signs that lead children to suspect marital problems, as well as how to best deal with children’s emotions at this difficult time.</p><p>To return to our “Divorce &amp; Kids&quot; main page, click <a href="/resource/adult-children">here</a>. </p> Debbie Does Divorce Debbie Nigro divorce advice Kids and Family Contemplating Divorce Mon, 12 May 2008 08:24:48 -0400 Debbie Nigro 6677 at