firstwivesworld - Time to Find a (Social) Life - Comments Comments for "Time to Find a (Social) Life" en Time to Find a (Social) Life <p>I am excited by the thought of life on the other side: 9-5 jobs, no homework, time for a social life. </p> <p>A social life? Really? The horror... </p> <p>This unnerves me more than just a little, for it has been a long time since I have had one of these — a real one. For the last four years, my life has revolved around school. My friends were people I met through school, and most of what I talked about — you guessed it — school. </p> <p>I find myself thinking about the time immediately after leaving the military - another large part of my life, which, much like college, has a way of defining who you think you are. When it's all said and done, and you have to assimilate back into mainstream culture, it is quite possible to feel a bit gun-shy. </p> <p>Already being a bit socially awkward (I'm a geek, what can I say? We're all awkward), this is something that I am more than a bit concerned with. Will I be able to become a social chameleon, rolling with the punches and make the transition with ease? </p> <p>Or will I live in a tiny universe, filled with books, empty Cheetos bags, and overgrown houseplants? Okay, so that may be overstating things a bit, but the fear — and the possibility is still there. I can't say for sure what things are going to look like, but I am sure it will make for some interesting times. </p> Leisure and Fun Moving Beyond Divorce Thu, 01 May 2008 09:05:55 -0400 Akillah Wali 6579 at