firstwivesworld - My Life is Ridiculous... - Comments
Comments for "My Life is Ridiculous..."enI know the anxiety well and I have something to say to you
<p>Hi there jlee1971...just getting a chance to read your comments now. First thanks so much for writing...I need to keep all the sucessful physicians close as I get younger every day! LOL . I just wanted to tell you that I have felt the same anxiety and exhaustion- many of us have. For me, it lasted a long time and there were days I thought it would never end. Sometimes it was so bizarre I would just write down those emotions I was feeling on a piece of paper to get them out. Every once in awhile, I find something I scribbled those words on and I find it hard to believe I got through it. Writing here is hopefully a little therapeutic for you. You have been doing what many of us do 'to deal'...working yourself silly on all cylinders. Thats not such a bad thing since you need to keep being successful for yourself and your kids. Taking a step back and letting life play out was a great line....and THE hardest thing I too had to learn. Learning patience was torturous but inevitably my greatest asset. It will be yours too. One last thing - force yourself to include fun for yourself , even in small doses. It will keep you from cracking up and you will be a better mother. Take an extra hour once in awhile before you get home for a guilty pleasure. Stay in touch...and thank you for letting me know my 'moving on' article touched you in such a nice way. That's very rewarding for me. Best! Debbie</p>
Tue, 30 Oct 2007 22:42:17 -0400Guestcomment 2980 at https://www.firstwivesworld.comMy life is riduculous too!
<p>Hi Debbie, I am a woman in my mid 30's. I have two lovely children 5 and 9, am a successful physician and I after filing for divorce about a year ago, I am almost finally divorced.<br />
Even though I love what do, and my career truly fulfills me, I hardly have enought time for my children, and all the other people in life, let alone for myself. I have been so used to keeping my schedule so full that I have recently found myself so emotionally and physically exhausted. For the first time in my life, I feel my sails have lost the wind. Perhaps I didn't give myself enough time to grieve, perhaps I work too hard to help others before I help myself, or perhaps I simply need more sleep.<br />
I do know that the employees I have hired have been my god send. I have a wonderful super nanny that I have had working for me for over 9 years and a very efficient housekeeper that keeps my house in order. I am also blessed with wonderful friends that have kept my spirits up during the past year, which has been filled with my sadness and anxiety.<br />
Since I only see my children 50% of the time, I will not make any social plans when they are with me. This has been a blessing and curse. While the concentrated quality time has been amazing, it leaves me very little time to see my friends and do the things I need and want to get done. Having been a control freak all of my life, I know that taking a step back and letting life play out is a huge lesson for me to learn. I do see that life is getting easier. Although not necessarily less chaotic. Perhaps this is how life is, full of chaos that continues to push us, challenge us, and makes us grow.<br />
It is now almost 8 am on Saturday, I have to get the kids ready to start a very full day!!!! Have a great day.<br />
I forgot to say that your article " A Formula for Getting Back to Great! Moving on after divorce" has been one of the most inspirational and honest articles I have read regarding the topic. Thanks and great job!!</p>
Sat, 27 Oct 2007 09:10:55 -0400jlee1971comment 2959 at https://www.firstwivesworld.comphone
<p>Debbie, I sent it through my email address...hope you received it..if not I'm at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> let me know..ds</p>
Wed, 26 Sep 2007 21:45:40 -0400Dorotheaacomment 2523 at https://www.firstwivesworld.comsend me your phone number Dorothy
<p><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
Tue, 25 Sep 2007 10:34:30 -0400Guestcomment 2462 at https://www.firstwivesworld.comNo Time in Life
<p>Debbie, your life sounds like mine, when I was in the learning curve of my career, commercial real estate.. That was 20 years ago, I was 41..what I missed.. I can never recover.. My saving grace with my life to always make time for my kids. </p>
<p>Daniel who died 16 years ago in a car accident, was 17..Sherry who is 41, has blessed me with 7 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Even though they called me the happy meal grandmother. During those times, I made it over to my daughters house to leave food, juice, MacDonald's, whatever they needed. Kiss each grandchild, smile, tell them I loved them and head back to work.. </p>
<p>Daniel and I usually started and ended the day even it it was only for seconds. Now as I look back at my life..starting grammology most of this is to make up for what I lost and can never get back. I did what I had to earn a living and keep my children with what I thought they needed. I was the provider in their lives, and because it was sales, I always worried I wouldn't make enough. I had 17 perfect years with my son, however, it wasn't enough.<br />
Have you thought about a personal assistant, someone fresh out of college who can help you with odd things? They usually don't require huge salaries. If you hire someone with computer skills, they can help with your site as well. </p>
<p>I love what your doing..for divorced women. I'm trying to do the same for parents and kids who need, or could use a grandmothers advice. As I said before..I've lived a lot of life... Stay well, and mentally healthy..</p>
<p>Dorothy from grammolgy<br />
call your grandmother</p>
Sat, 22 Sep 2007 20:44:29 -0400Dorotheaacomment 2434 at https://www.firstwivesworld.comMy Life is Ridiculous...
It's Saturday morning and I'm sitting here in a night gown surrounded by papers making 1000 notes of things to do.<p>It was a big busy week, which included the excitement of <a href="/node/632">representing <b>First Wives World</b></a> on <a href="/node/1518">the TV networks</a>. I am now completely out of energy and outfits.</p><p>I just hung up with my 6-foot-5 ex-husband, who was calling my daughter and dialed me by accident. He just sent me into a laughing fit — I asked him to help get a mortgage for my gay male friend, and he admitted that it scares the heck out of him every time my friend calls and starts screaming that something is wrong.</p><p>I have an 1:30 appointment at the Apple Genius Bar to figure out how to get my niece's picture off all my emails, which is timely because I just erased all my address book by accident when I tried to sync with my Apple iPhone.</p><p>I have a 2:00 birthday party on an island — it's now pouring — for my friend Mo's twin one-year-old grandchildren, and I have nothing to wear.</p><p>I just got a surprise phone call from my sexy 80-year-old friend from Texas inviting me along to a party in New York this evening with The Ambassador to Morocco — again, I have nothing to wear!</p><p>I'm readying for my taping in the Empire State Building on Monday<br />with seven guests and two changes of clothes. I have all my information but...nothing to wear.</p><p>I've also run out of clothes for these TV interviews - they keep increasing!</p><p>I have to to go to the bank, have laundry to do, am out of everything, want to exercise and my hair's dirty. I did call my mother, but I haven't seen her, and I haven't spent two minutes with my daughter since Monday — except to give her money.</p><p>Somehow though, I managed to carouse after work this week with a sexy Executive Chef from Italy without a green card. </p><p><b>Ridiculous!</b></p> and pursuitsmoving beyond divorceMind and SpiritLeisure and FunCareer and PursuitsMoving Beyond DivorceSat, 22 Sep 2007 13:45:00 -0400Debbie Nigro650 at