firstwivesworld - Safety Concerns For Women Travelers - Comments Comments for "Safety Concerns For Women Travelers" en Safety Concerns For Women Travelers <p>Safety continues to be the #1 issue facing today's woman travelers. There are many actions during the travel process (such as getting into a cab), where a woman is vulnerable but she takes with blind trust because that is the only way for her to get from point A to point B or conduct her business. By arming yourself with some tips, tricks and tools you'll be prepared to feel more confident and safe and handle the unexpected turbulence that might come your way.</p><p>Some key security tips that every traveler should use:</p><p><b>Check-in Checklist. </b> </p><p>In a hotel, don't let the desk clerk announce your room in a voice that can be heard by anyone but you. If you are signing a hotel charge to your room, do not leave the signed receipt on the table; give it directly back to the server. Keep yourself safe and keep unwanted visitors out - check to be sure there's no one else in your room every time you enter, check the phone to make sure it works, and use door bolts and chains. Fire safety: don't trust the map on the back of the door; do a dry run - drop your bags and find the closest exits, then relax. When you go out, leave a note in your room detailing where you went, what time you left and what you were wearing. </p><p><b>Identity Insurance.</b></p><p>Do not allow your name, credit card number, home address or phone to be discussed or printed on any visible document, including luggage tags. </p><p><b>Put Your Best Foot Forward.</b></p><p>Do you like to run as part of your work out routine while on the road? You don't have to run alone - contact a health club or running store and inquire about running clubs; and join one of them for your daily run.</p><p><b>What's in your Wallet.</b></p><p>Minimize the number of credit cards you carry. Good rule: one for business and one for personal. If you are traveling internationally, alert your bank that you will be out of the country and to expect uncommon charges. <br /><br /> </p> safety travel Health and Body Leisure and Fun Navigating Divorce Moving Beyond Divorce Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:00:00 -0400 Kathleen Ameche 6460 at