firstwivesworld - Alice’s Adventures in Vienna - Comments Comments for "Alice’s Adventures in Vienna" en I love that different can be I love that different can be a good thing. CM Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:47:12 -0400 Guest comment 5040 at Alice’s Adventures in Vienna <p>I spent much of the flight from San Francisco to Vienna analyzing the difference between setting out on this trip and heading to Wales. </p><p>Leaving for Wales had a strange feeling to it. I was headed across the world, and there was nothing, really, tying me to home. I felt strangely adrift, without a tether — just this little floating dot. After having been a half of a whole for so long, it was just me. No one was waiting for me to come back. No one needed to know I had landed safely. It wasn't a bad feeling, it was just strange. </p><p>I didn't feel that way this time. The floating-in-my-bubble sense was gone completely. Why? Was it because I had already done this, and so knew I could? Or was it because I'm in a relationship, so that tether is back? </p><p>I had always chafed at the idea of being back in a relationship. I didn't want the responsibility, the ties, the obligations. I wanted to be free to go where I wanted, to do what I wanted, to not have to answer to anyone. </p><p>Surprisingly, that tether wasn't chafing. It didn't feel like an obligation. It wasn't even a strong enough feeling to really register, just an, &quot;Oh, this is different.&quot; </p><p>Going to Wales was largely an act of defiance. Maybe now I've gotten past that.<br /><br /> </p> attachment freedom navigating divorce travel traveling Sex and Love Leisure and Fun Navigating Divorce Tue, 15 Apr 2008 07:00:22 -0400 Alice Brooks 6387 at