firstwivesworld - Life: It&#039;s A Fragile, Fleeting Thing - Comments Comments for "Life: It's A Fragile, Fleeting Thing" en Therapy is a must She is going through grief counseling at the hospital, and I think that will help. But, as she has told me, she is questioning everything, and I think she should see someone on her own as well. Like you, CM, therapy saved my life and the lives of my children more than once. I am a strong believer in it. Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:23:28 -0400 Wanda Woodard comment 5037 at Everything is questioned- I Everything is questioned- I quite agree. Honestly, for me and my family, the thing that saved us was lots of therapy. I fought it like a beast, but in the long run, it saved my parents marriage and it saved our family. I am grateful. I hope your friend finds some peace in her own way and time. CM Sun, 13 Apr 2008 20:17:27 -0400 Guest comment 5023 at The Transition Is A Killer Thank you for your support. The mother is struggling daily -- the toll is so heavy. As she told me she is questioning her life, her marriage, her mothering abilities, her job, everything. This is a reminder to us all to relish in the lives and hardships we face with our living, breathing children. Sun, 13 Apr 2008 15:36:21 -0400 Wanda Woodard comment 5018 at I am so sorry. My heart goes I am so sorry. My heart goes out to all who were a part of this child's life. You are so right- it's all about perspective. When I was fourteen my younger brother died very young and it was devastating to my entire family. It really does make you not sweat the small stuff- ever. My thoughts are with your friend and her family. We all need to stop and breathe every once in a while and see just how blessed we truly are. CM Sat, 12 Apr 2008 17:41:28 -0400 Guest comment 5015 at Life: It's A Fragile, Fleeting Thing <p>Just when you start feeling sorry for yourself because you barely have enough money to pay rent and both kids need new clothes and you're wondering how in the heck you're going to find a home for six new kittens, life smacks you right upside the head.</p><p>My friend's granddaughter died Wednesday. She was seven months old. SIDS, perhaps. The autopsy report has not been released. </p><p>Life: It's a fragile, fleeting, passing thing.</p><p>In the midst of frustration, because my 11- and 12-year-old cannot go one day without quarreling over something, I have to stop and realize how blessed I am to have two healthy children who are able to quarrel. When I want to complain because I've been hacking like a smoker (I don't smoke) because of all the Middle Tennessee pollen that is in every single breath I take, I have to stop and be grateful that I am able to breathe, able to cough, able to have itchy, swelling eyes and a runny nose.</p><p>Many years ago when I finally learned that life is all the good and all the bad rolled into one, I felt that I had discovered the secret. If I could look at all things that happen to me and allow them to happen without my feeling cursed, singled out, plotted upon, then I would be able to accept whatever happened to me and roll with it. But, losing a child — I don't know how a mother recovers from that loss. As tough and strong as I like to think I am, would I be able to move forward with life if my son or daughter died?</p><p>We've all heard about the seven most difficult things we can face in life: Divorce, job change or loss, relocation, marriage, pregnancy, illness or death, but we don't all have to face these. </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> kids moving beyond divorce perspective Mind and Spirit Health and Body Kids and Family Moving Beyond Divorce Sat, 12 Apr 2008 09:00:00 -0400 Wanda Woodard 6345 at