firstwivesworld - Get Your Groove Back; Divorce is a New Beginning - Comments Comments for "Get Your Groove Back; Divorce is a New Beginning" en I agree with post. I am so I agree with post. I am so happy to be nearing the end of my divorce. I am happy that all I count on is me. I focus on me and go to the gym, get pedicures, may nails done, and almost all of the above mentioned. I even started a list in my gratitude journal of the things or characteristics I wanted in my next relationship...and amazing this great man has found me. It is all about second chances and I am happy to be living my life for me now! Wed, 02 Apr 2008 18:49:00 -0400 Guest comment 4893 at Get Your Groove Back; Divorce is a New Beginning <p>Dr. Seuss once said: &quot;Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened.&quot; The beloved children's author never turned his wit and whimsy to the subjects of marriage or breakups. Yet these wise words can easily be applied to divorce. </p><p>Divorce hurts. But your pain doesn't have to destroy you. Make a conscious choice each day — and for awhile it may take near-constant reminders — not to be bitter about the end of the marriage. This is the second part of our exclusive <b>First Wives World</b> series, <a href="/">Get On With Your Life</a>. Only you know when to put your grief behind you. </p><p>Believe it or not, every event in your life is balanced with pain and joy. There is another side to your divorce. You just need to put on a different set of lenses and find the gift. Ask yourself: </p><p>•What can I do now that I couldn't do before? </p><p>•What are the things I no longer have to do?</p><p>•What do I have that I didn't have before? </p><p>•What can I finally let go of?</p><p>•How can I be different now, in a positive way?</p><p>Once you recognize the benefits of your divorce, you are well on your way to moving on. What follows is a step-by-step recovery plan. Here's what you can do: <b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b>Don't be a victim. </b>Recognize denial, anger, desperation, depression as natural and take control of your new life. He may have tried to poison your life, but make sure you don't add to it. The only person's behavior you can control is your own. You are not a victim of your emotions, your past, your husband, this divorce or your choices. You can control what you do in this present moment.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> bitter life love moving beyond divorce reclaim your life Mind and Spirit Navigating Divorce Moving Beyond Divorce Wed, 02 Apr 2008 18:05:00 -0400 Kim Olver 6240 at