firstwivesworld - Remember Every Man You Dated? - Comments Comments for "Remember Every Man You Dated?" en Men you remember <p>No way, sometimes I surely wanted to forget them. However, then there were those you don't forget. Glad I found you again, for some reason I was stuck on August 16..I'm still such an air head on the web. </p> <p>I've been regularly commenting now since March, started grammology in Jan 07...and still make too many mistakes..However, your site is great...reminds me of my two previous divorces...</p> <p>Dorothy from grammology<br /> <a href="" title=""></a></p> Sun, 09 Sep 2007 17:51:09 -0400 Dorotheaa comment 2226 at Remember Every Man You Dated? What woman doesn't remember every man she ever dated?<p>Last night after work, I had the good fortune to be invited by friends to take a boat ride across the Long Island Sound to have clams and cocktails at a place called Louie's in Port Washington, N.Y. I never like to miss a chance to be out on the water. I never get tired of a great sunset either (see photo).</p><p>So it's dark and we're sitting at a table outside and a guy approaches and he looks familiar and says his &quot;other&quot; friend recognized me and used to date me and was &quot;over there.&quot; Really? Let's go say hello. </p><p>So there's this lovely, handsome man who comes from my hometown who knows me, who knows my family, and who says we dated for like two weeks when I was young, who I have no recollection of ever dating. Truthfully, I must be getting old because I've never forgotten one guy I ever dated and was a little embarrassed. </p><p>In a brief conversation, I found out he is a recently divorced dad, who'd been married for 20 years. The divorce was mutual but he is painfully concerned about the impact on his two grown daughters. I gave him my card and told him to stop by <b>First Wives World</b>, in the hope that something here would give him hope that things will turn out okay. In the meantime, I'm still wracking my brain trying to &quot;remember.&quot;</p> dating dating again moving beyond divorce Sex and Love Kids and Family Leisure and Fun Moving Beyond Divorce Fri, 07 Sep 2007 15:00:00 -0400 Debbie Nigro 580 at