firstwivesworld - Girls&#039; Night Out - Comments Comments for "Girls' Night Out" en Recently Divorced I have to say...........It is wonderful to hear your cousin is in love and feels all of the wonderful feelings that come with it. I agree with CM ...... enjoy it. Sun, 16 Mar 2008 20:58:27 -0400 pita0926 comment 4665 at Exactly! Nah, not too dirty at all. Thanks, I love hearing from you! Faith Fri, 07 Mar 2008 07:39:21 -0500 Faith Eggers comment 4558 at I remember those days- the I remember those days- the first real boyfriend! I think it's great your cousin is in love and having a wonderful time. Enjoy the ride, I say! (Oh- is that too dirty?) CM Thu, 06 Mar 2008 20:55:00 -0500 Guest comment 4554 at My cousin said she's never My cousin said she's never telling me anything again! Thu, 06 Mar 2008 13:13:34 -0500 Faith Eggers comment 4543 at Girls' Night Out <p>I went out for dinner with my cousin Ariel and my new step-sister, Terry. The three of us have never gotten together before, but we're all roughly the same age, and we had an absolute blast. We must do it again. </p><p>We had dinner at a restaurant that Ariel works at, which was great because she knew exactly what to order, and more important, what not to order. We each had a drink and it wasn't long before we were dishing about everything from boots to boys and laughing up a storm. </p><p>My cousin is in her first &quot;real&quot; relationship with a what sounds like a really great guy. They just moved in together and she seems really happy. I asked her how things were going, and she gave me what I call, &quot;the look.&quot; You know, the look that says, not bad, not good, but rather, &quot;eh.&quot; That look. So, I asked her, &quot;What's up?&quot; </p><p>She told us that she's completely in love with him, that she still misses him when they're apart, that they make each other laugh like crazy. </p><p>At this point, Terry and I exchanged looks that said &quot;What the $%$ is her problem, then?&quot; </p><p>She went on to say that being that it's her first real relationship, she scared that maybe she is settling and can do better. Oh, I remember feeling that way with my first boyfriend, too. Don't you?</p><p>Terry and I assured her that if she's in love with him, and they laugh and she still misses him when they're apart, that she should stay put. </p><p>The boyfriend-in-question then walked in and said, &quot;Hey, this looks like an episode of <i>Sex In The City,</i>&quot; and we shut up. </p><p>A few others joined us, we went to another place for more drinks and more conversation. We stayed out much later than we should — or <i>I</i> stayed out much later than <i>I </i>should have.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Sex and Love Moving Beyond Divorce Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:57:21 -0500 Faith Eggers 5760 at