firstwivesworld - Q &amp; A on Sprucing Up Your Post-Divorce Bedroom - Comments Comments for "Q & A on Sprucing Up Your Post-Divorce Bedroom" en Q & A on Sprucing Up Your Post-Divorce Bedroom <p> <span>Here are my answers to questions posted by <b></b> bloggers:</span> </p> <p> <span> F<span>rom <b>Naomi Dunne</b>: </span></span><span>We've replaced the traditional lightbulbs in our living room with CFLs and now the place is so white it looks like an office and not exactly romantic. Can you suggest some ways to warm up the space?</span> </p> <p> <span style="font-family: Calibri"></span><i><b>Naomi:</b> It's true CFL bulbs do help lower your electric costs and are good for the environment but, at the cost of harsh, non-flattering, cold light. To combat this very cool white light, you must choose a color for the walls that absorb that cool light and refracts more warm toned light. One solution is to repaint your walls. If that's not possible, a very simple solution is to place a scarf in a warmer tone over the lamp to mask the harsh light and soften the tone in the room. Another way is to change the lamp shades to a warmer-hued fabric. If you can't find one ready-made, custom is the next option to explore. </i> </p> <p> <span>From <b>Megan Thomas</b>: </span><span> If I move out and into an apartment, my kids will go from having their own rooms to sharing one. What is the best way to decorate a room that a toddler boy and pre-school girl have to share?</span> </p> <span></span> <p> <span></span><i><b>Megan:</b> A very simple way is to divide the room into two sides. For example one blue and one pink, to use an obvious color choice. If each child has their own bed, in this case you can decorate each side in the child's preference to make them feel the space is their own. Then try to incorporate decorative items in both colors on the opposite color side too unify the room. This is a fun and easy solution. Making a child feel at home in their own room is a challenging aspect of divorce but it can be done. </i> </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Sex and Love Moving Beyond Divorce Wed, 27 Feb 2008 07:33:50 -0500 Gregory Allan Cramer 5535 at