firstwivesworld - Empty Walls Signify My Clean Slate - Comments Comments for "Empty Walls Signify My Clean Slate" en I know exactly how you feel- I know exactly how you feel- clean walls equals clean mind. CM Sat, 16 Feb 2008 18:12:46 -0500 Guest comment 4339 at Empty Walls Signify My Clean Slate <p>I have been in my apartment for about six months now and I noticed I have yet to buy any pictures or artwork for the walls. The walls are still stark white and bare and I like it. But there's more to it than just a lack of decorating sense. </p><p>When my ex and I moved into our second home more than two years ago we were SO excited to decorate. It was a much bigger and newer house than our starter home and we wanted to take our time and decorate it perfectly. I don't even know how many hours we spent browsing furniture stores and art galleries looking for the perfect pieces. </p><p>What's sad is that after the divorce, nearly all of those newly purchased pieces were either sold or given away. The money and time wasted is sickening.</p><p>So when I moved into my apartment I just wanted simplicity. Right after moving in I did buy new bedding, bathroom décor, curtains and a few space-saving items to make living in a small apartment a bit easier, but that's it. </p><p>My desire to paint walls, buy artwork or more furniture has fizzled. I guess my walls symbolize how I feel — I just want a clean slate.</p> divorce divorce community moving beyond divorce Mind and Spirit House and Home Moving Beyond Divorce Sat, 16 Feb 2008 09:00:00 -0500 A.J. Wylder 5428 at