firstwivesworld - From Half-Empty To Half-Full - Comments Comments for "From Half-Empty To Half-Full" en Congratulations It's a lengthy and challenging process to uncover who you are and what you want in life and in a marriage. Congrats on taking the steps to self-discovery! Vicky Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:43:10 -0500 Guest comment 4317 at Thinking differently I am still in the stages of contemplating divorce. My husband and I get along, we don't fight, we are both reasonable people. But we got married within 9 months of dating, and after the dust settled, I started to question whether I understood the commitment necessary to have a long term relationship. There's hardly any passion in the relationship for me, and our physical relationship has dwindled to nothing in the last 3.5 months. But during the last several months, I have begun to realize more about who I am and what I need to find happiness. I have been challenging myself to be honest with myself, what my expectations are for my life and my future, and what I may think is unrealistic and unattainable. It isn't easy to find answers that make you uncomfortable, but it has been good to learn more. It will take me a while to finally finish questioning and challenging myself, but I know that I am on my way to making it all better... Wed, 13 Feb 2008 13:54:28 -0500 Guest comment 4292 at From Half-Empty To Half-Full <p>Well, I guess we each take a turn getting beat by the life stick and some of those difficult life lessons sting more than others. After my divorce, I was convinced I'd never be happy again and I was the glass half-empty girl for a long time.</p> <p>Snapping out of a funk takes me a lot longer than sinking into one. For some reason, when things go wrong, I can sit and stew and stew and stew, wrapping myself in negative thoughts.</p> <p>Attitude is everything isn't it? Turning that glass half empty to half full is a mindset. It's a decision to look at your life and see the positives rather than the negatives. In essence, to see your life as half-full rather than half-empty. For example, instead of seeing a failed marriage, you could see the opportunity to grow as a woman and become empowered by the strength inside you to recover. </p> <p>But, some days, it is really hard to see the positive in your life and it may feel like life is picking on you. It's natural to say, &quot;Why me?&quot; or &quot;Why now?&quot; </p> <p>This is something I struggle with this even now. I've been told that to change your mindset requires dedicated focus on the positives and letting go of the negativity and the things you cannot control. I guess I'm a work in progress. </p> Mind and Spirit Moving Beyond Divorce Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:00:00 -0500 Vicky Emerson 5376 at