firstwivesworld - Who Do You Love? - Comments Comments for "Who Do You Love?" en Yeah! Love to hear it!! Vicky Sat, 26 Jan 2008 19:03:01 -0500 Guest comment 4124 at My fiance, my family, my My fiance, my family, my friends, my financial freedom, life in general! CM Sat, 26 Jan 2008 15:53:01 -0500 Guest comment 4120 at Who Do You Love? <p>I have a gig coming up in New York City around Valentine's Day and the venue has requested that I do a set of love songs. Luckily, this gig is now instead of five years ago when I was fresh off my divorce. I would have had to turn it down due to the complete nonexistence of love songs in my catalogue!</p><p>Anyway, as I was going through my songs — new and old, sorting through the sentiments where love is directed at an individual or the sensation of love, I thought about those that I love in my life.</p><p>I love my family. I think my parents are incredible well-rounded people who are extremely caring and overall wonderful folks.</p><p>I love my fiancé. He is a strong, caring, sensitive man with a wicked sense of humor who takes care of me when I need it and gives me the room to still enjoy my independence.</p><p>I love my girlfriends. Who doesn't, right? A strong support group of women you can talk with, cry with, laugh with and shop with. Priceless!</p><p>I love my fans. As cheesy as this is, it is true. They allow me to do what I do for a living. In exchange, I write music that touches them in some way.</p><p>Myself. I took a long, long time to get here, but I enjoy the woman I have become. I have grown into a person that has learned to accept shortcomings and flaws and appreciate my talents and gifts.</p><p>Who do you love?</p> Mind and Spirit Sex and Love Leisure and Fun Moving Beyond Divorce Sat, 26 Jan 2008 13:00:00 -0500 Vicky Emerson 4982 at