firstwivesworld - Why Does It Even Matter? - Comments Comments for "Why Does It Even Matter?" en pay attention pay attention to your body! Clearly it has been telling you something! Glad you are okay. CM Wed, 26 Dec 2007 21:25:08 -0500 Guest comment 3721 at Why Does It Even Matter? <p>I've done another number on myself. This time I did it to my eye. I wear contacts — all the time. I despise wearing my glasses. Things have been busy, I forget, and oftentimes I find myself falling asleep still wearing my contacts. </p><p>This was happening more and more, and my eye was becoming red and redder. I started taking them out at night, my eye was looking better. In my busy single mom book that means the problem was solved. </p><p>In reality it was not. When I went outside to start my car, and my eye wouldn't open. I was telling it to open, and it just wouldn't do it. I freaked out. I called the eye doctor — finally — and they agreed to see me right away. Awesome. </p><p>So, I walk in and I'm handed the standard stack of paperwork. We all know the questions: Your name, Your address, your birthday — and then, your MARITAL status. </p><p>Okay, I have a question about the marital status question. Why is it that the answers aren't simply, Single or Married? Instead they have five boxes — Single, Married, Divorced, Seperated or Widowed.</p><p>I would understand if I was going to a therapist or any other kind of mental health provider, but why the hell does the eye doctor need to know if I'm divorced?</p><p>I didn't feel like checking that box. I'm sick of seeing that word all over the place — especically when I can barely see — so I checked Single.</p><p>The eye doctor gave me a lecture about how stupid I was, took my contacts away for six months — he actually physically confinscated them — and made me buy very expensive eye drops which I can ill afford. </p><p>With that, he sent the dumb, single girl on her way.</p> Health and Body Moving Beyond Divorce Wed, 26 Dec 2007 09:00:00 -0500 Faith Eggers 4076 at