firstwivesworld - What’s In A Name? Well, Everything… - Comments Comments for "What’s In A Name? Well, Everything…" en How it makes you feel is what matters <p>Enjoyed your story. I can certainly relate. It's a sense of independence and shedding of something old. For me it was a big step in being able to move on and getting a new life. </p> <p>When you think about it ... it's not just big step ... it's a HUGE STEP!. I did it, too. But it takes awhile for everyone to get use to the "new" me (or rediscover the old me).</p> <p>Three years later I am so glad I did it. I especially liked meeting friends new friends that never knew my past. How long has it been for you?</p> <p>Sally</p> Wed, 27 Jun 2007 07:08:14 -0400 Guest comment 572 at names <p>I totally get makes sense.</p> Tue, 26 Jun 2007 13:23:52 -0400 Guest comment 567 at I understand <p>My mother kept her married name after her divorce because she wanted to have the same last name as me her child. It was just easier when dealing with legal papers and such. But she really didn't have that big of a leap anyway. Her maiden name was Martin. Her married name was Martinez. The only difference was "e","z"...isn't that easy? :)</p> <p>For many others I think there is a big leap to think about. I understand the connection but at the same time I've thought about changing my name, just because. I never felt mine really represented me, yet at the same time I've never found anything I liked better. Does your name define you or do you define your name? </p> <p>I think you could call me Bug and I would still be the same person I am today, living life to the fullest and doing the things I love. </p> <p>Keep your name, change your name, the nice thing about this modern world is, you have a choice and the choice really is yours!</p> Tue, 26 Jun 2007 12:18:29 -0400 Yvonne1973 comment 563 at What’s In A Name? Well, Everything… <p>My name truly defines me. I’ve just always been Michelle Rosenthal. </p><p>Aside from the wedding invitations addressed to “Mr. &amp; Mrs. Steve XXXX”, my friends never changed my maiden name in their phones or on their e-mail messages or introduced me using my married name. </p><p>I was always in the “scene” and the social leader of my group. I picked the places we went, had all of the connections to avoid waiting in lines and bartended at some of the most fun bars in New York City and Westchester County. I have a big group of friends.</p><p>Somehow my parents believed me when I said I was going out for “coffee” when I began bartending my senior year of high school! I have a brother that was popular, especially with my friends, and an enviable contact list. </p><p>I come from a close-knit family. My last name ends with my brother, unless he has a son. I’ve always been Michelle Rosenthal and was against changing my name. But when I got married, changing my name was important to Steve. Of course I felt as if someone were asking for my unborn child when he asked when I was going to change my name already. </p><p>I can’t explain the connection I feel to my last name but it’s just part of who I am. I’ve built my reputation using my name: I completed my education with my name; I’ve succeeded in my career using my name. Hello? I've accomplished most of the memorable things in my life using my name! </p><p>I’m proud of who I am and all that I’ve done. For me, taking my husband’s name made me feel like I was losing a part of that. The day Steve moved out, I changed everything back. </p><p>I called my friend and my Caller ID popped up as “Rosenthal”. “You don’t waste any time, do you?” she said. Next step was the Dept. of Motor Vehicles and changing all of my credit cards. </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Mind and Spirit Kids and Family Career and Pursuits All Things Legal Moving Beyond Divorce Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:47:43 -0400 Michelle Rosenthal 350 at