First Wives World - Brit Behind The Bar? - Comments Comments for "Brit Behind The Bar?" en Brit Behind The Bar? Fall is a season for change, and I'm hoping that this time of transformation manages to waft over to the shores of California and grab <b>Britney Spears</b> with the force of a Category 5 hurricane. <p>Okay, perhaps that's a bit much to ask, but a slight change toward responsibility is starting to appear, though whether it's purely coincidental remains to be seen. </p><p>Brit's second court-supervised visitation seemed to go quite smoothly...well, at least more smoothly than the first, where she allegedly left the kids, court monitor and one of <b>K-Fed's</b> posse waiting outside her door for nearly an hour. </p><p>The reason for this remain unclear, but whoever it is that Ms. Spears is taking advice from these days apparently managed to shake some sense into her. </p><p>Speaking of shaking, our court ordered sober pal apparently expressed wishes to moonlight as a bartender at the &quot;Cameo Bar,&quot; located inside the Viceroy Hotel in Santa Monica. She filled out an application after a late-night chat with the bartender. </p><p>Again, it's wonderful that Brit's wanting to show her hardworking side, but, when in the midst of a custody battle and under orders not to imbibe, bartender ranks somewhere slightly above cannabis harvester or meth-cooker in the &quot;Jobs to Impress The Judge&quot; list.</p><p>At least she's making an effort. As I say, maybe the winds of change are starting to grab at her, and not a moment too soon. </p><p>Click <a href="">here</a> to read more.</p> kids and family money and law moving beyond divorce wiveswire Tue, 09 Oct 2007 11:00:00 -0400 Donna Carlisle 3445 at