First Wives World - Top Five Divorce Signs - Comments Comments for "Top Five Divorce Signs" en Yup <p>Sign #1 - check<br /> Sign #2 - check<br /> Sign #3 - check<br /> Sign #4 - check<br /> Sign #5 - check</p> <p>And sign #6 that you're headed for a divorce: you regularly fantasize about the death of your significant other and the closure it would bring to your sham of a<br /> relationship. Check.</p> Sat, 01 Sep 2007 23:16:43 -0400 Guest comment 2133 at Top Five Divorce Signs <p>Did you know that couples typically wait six years too long to start marriage counseling? Often, by then, too much resentment has built up and it can be too late to repair the relationship. </p><p>I read an interesting piece on the Huffington Post by relationship expert Dr. Joshua Coleman who set out the Top Five red flags that you're headed for a divorce. Take a look and see if you agree: </p><p><b>1. You Often Fantasize About Divorce</b></p><p>Fantasizing about divorce offers a feeling of freedom. &quot;During a crisis or during a particularly bad time in a marriage, reminding yourself that you can always leave can be a reassuring thought. However, chronic fantasizing about divorce may indicate that you're stuck in a dynamic from which you don't know how to escape and need more help to solve.&quot;</p><p><b>2. The Frequency of Your Negative Experiences Far Outweighs the Number of Your Positive Experiences with Each Other</b></p><p>&quot;Marital researcher John Gottman found that in successful marriages, there are five positive exchanges for every negative. If the negative consistently outweigh the positive, then your marriage may be in trouble.&quot;</p><p><b>3. You Never Confide in Each Other</b></p> wiveswire Fri, 31 Aug 2007 15:20:14 -0400 Katherine McKee 2858 at