firstwivesworld - Life&#039;s Short... - Comments Comments for "Life's Short..." en Who goes in looking to get out? <p>All the billboards in the world won't make a difference. Until you are in the trenches, you have no idea. maybe trial marriages should become an option. </p> <p>This is a throw away society, but I doubt every jittery wedding day couple come to the alter thinking they will ever be in divorce court.<br /> Divorce is miserable.</p> Tue, 26 Jun 2007 00:27:56 -0400 Guest comment 555 at It has to go both ways <p>People sometimes don't know their options. I think you have to let people advertise both ways. Sometimes when you have exhausted every option on keeping the relationship together you have no other way out but divorce. </p> <p>I personally would never stay in a relationship where I was being abused in any way. My mother remarried after my father to a man that was diagnosed with Paranoia Schizophrenia and she had no way of knowing until after they were already married. He hid that little bit of medical history from her and acted totally normally and very sweet until he knew he had her. This is common with the illness. </p> <p>Right after the ring was on her finger he started acting very strange and verbally abusive and my mother start to fear he would be become physically abusive. My mother of course got out of that relationship as quick as possible. Wouldn't you? And wouldn't you want to know all your options when you did?</p> <p>So I take my hat off to both, the marital coaches and the divorce lawyer. Being educated and knowing your options is the only way to do anything.</p> Fri, 22 Jun 2007 13:45:45 -0400 Yvonne1973 comment 522 at pro-marriage billboard <p>We live in a culture where it's easy to get a divorce. Many states are trying to encourage people to stay together with laws that lengthen waiting periods, facilitate pre-marriage counseling and so forth.</p> Fri, 22 Jun 2007 08:04:49 -0400 Guest comment 509 at Life's Short... So remember that racy billboard in Chicago that declared: “Life’s Short. Get a Divorce.”? <p>Well, now a married couple that also happen to be marital coaches put up their own billboard with a distinctly marriage-minded message: “Life’s Short. Your Marriage Doesn’t Have To Be.”</p> <p>Ray and Jean Kadkhodaian say they were shocked by the billboard promoting divorce (mounted by a female-headed law firm specializing in divorce), and decided to send their own message. </p> <p>In a press statement, the couple said: &quot;The current divorce rate continues to be an epidemic and depressing cloud overshadowing couples today. This is complicated by the ease and normalcy of divorce portrayed in our society. We just wanted to offer couples another option.&quot; </p> <p>The Kadkhodaians run an emotional wellness center in Arlington Heights, Ill., a Chicago suburb. Their practice is dedicated to preventing divorce and offering couples the resources to stay together. </p><p>What do you think? Are there enough resources spent on educating people about divorce prevention options? Are we simply a &quot;throw-away&quot; society in which marriage is merely a disposable commodity? </p><p>Let us know what you think. </p><p>For more on this story, <a href="">click here:</a></p> Ask the Community Mind and Spirit Sex and Love All Things Legal Contemplating Divorce Navigating Divorce Moving Beyond Divorce Thu, 21 Jun 2007 15:42:00 -0400 Katherine McKee 1216 at