First Wives World - Intimate Portraits en Intimate Portraits: On Mediation <div class="field field-type-text field-field-subtitle"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> Introduction </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-make-featured"> <div class="field-label">Make this content featured:&nbsp;</div> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> No </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-userreference field-field-author"> <div class="field-label">Author:&nbsp;</div> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/resources/bio/first-wives-world" title="View user profile.">First Wives World</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-video"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="filefield-file"><img class="filefield-icon field-icon-application-octet-stream" alt="application/octet-stream icon" src="" /><a href="" type="application/octet-stream; length=17962726">portraits_on_mediation_intro.flv</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-picture"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <img class="imagefield imagefield-field_picture" width="600" height="338" alt="" src="" /> </div> </div> </div> <p>Here, <a href="/resources/bio/rachel-fishman-green">Rachel Fishman Green</a>, an attorney and divorce mediator, discusses the high cost of litigation in divorce. Litigation, she says, is like &quot;ritualized war&quot; and your objective is to destroy your opponent. For more information about her services and how the mediation process works, visit:&nbsp;<a title="" href=""></a>.</p> Intimate Portraits All Things Legal Sat, 30 Jul 2011 12:46:30 +0000 bfeeley 435 at