Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => comments [value] => ) [1] => Array ( [key] => category [value] => wiveswire [attributes] => Array ( [domain] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [key] => pubDate [value] => Wed, 12 Sep 2007 17:30:00 -0400 ) [3] => Array ( [key] => dc:creator [value] => A.J. Wylder ) [4] => Array ( [key] => guid [value] => 3035 at [attributes] => Array ( [isPermaLink] => false ) ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => comments [value] => ) [1] => Array ( [key] => category [value] => wiveswire [attributes] => Array ( [domain] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [key] => pubDate [value] => Wed, 12 Sep 2007 16:15:00 -0400 ) [3] => Array ( [key] => dc:creator [value] => Faith Eggers ) [4] => Array ( [key] => guid [value] => 3033 at [attributes] => Array ( [isPermaLink] => false ) ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => comments [value] => ) [1] => Array ( [key] => category [value] => wiveswire [attributes] => Array ( [domain] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [key] => pubDate [value] => Wed, 12 Sep 2007 15:30:00 -0400 ) [3] => Array ( [key] => dc:creator [value] => Akillah Wali ) [4] => Array ( [key] => guid [value] => 3031 at [attributes] => Array ( [isPermaLink] => false ) ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => comments [value] => ) [1] => Array ( [key] => category [value] => wiveswire [attributes] => Array ( [domain] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [key] => pubDate [value] => Wed, 12 Sep 2007 14:00:00 -0400 ) [3] => Array ( [key] => dc:creator [value] => Debbie Nigro ) [4] => Array ( [key] => guid [value] => 3048 at [attributes] => Array ( [isPermaLink] => false ) ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => comments [value] => ) [1] => Array ( [key] => category [value] => wiveswire [attributes] => Array ( [domain] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [key] => pubDate [value] => Wed, 12 Sep 2007 13:30:00 -0400 ) [3] => Array ( [key] => dc:creator [value] => Rachel Small ) [4] => Array ( [key] => guid [value] => 3029 at [attributes] => Array ( [isPermaLink] => false ) ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => comments [value] => ) [1] => Array ( [key] => category [value] => wiveswire [attributes] => Array ( [domain] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [key] => pubDate [value] => Wed, 12 Sep 2007 12:15:00 -0400 ) [3] => Array ( [key] => dc:creator [value] => Brian Kilroy ) [4] => Array ( [key] => guid [value] => 3026 at [attributes] => Array ( [isPermaLink] => false ) ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => comments [value] => ) [1] => Array ( [key] => category [value] => wiveswire [attributes] => Array ( [domain] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [key] => pubDate [value] => Wed, 12 Sep 2007 11:00:21 -0400 ) [3] => Array ( [key] => dc:creator [value] => Mina-Jacqueline Au ) [4] => Array ( [key] => guid [value] => 3039 at [attributes] => Array ( [isPermaLink] => false ) ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => comments [value] => ) [1] => Array ( [key] => category [value] => wiveswire [attributes] => Array ( [domain] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [key] => pubDate [value] => Wed, 12 Sep 2007 09:15:00 -0400 ) [3] => Array ( [key] => dc:creator [value] => Amanda Lockhart ) [4] => Array ( [key] => guid [value] => 3022 at [attributes] => Array ( [isPermaLink] => false ) ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => comments [value] => ) [1] => Array ( [key] => category [value] => wiveswire [attributes] => Array ( [domain] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [key] => pubDate [value] => Wed, 12 Sep 2007 08:09:27 -0400 ) [3] => Array ( [key] => dc:creator [value] => Katherine McKee ) [4] => Array ( [key] => guid [value] => 3036 at [attributes] => Array ( [isPermaLink] => false ) ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => comments [value] => ) [1] => Array ( [key] => category [value] => wiveswire [attributes] => Array ( [domain] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [key] => pubDate [value] => Tue, 11 Sep 2007 17:30:00 -0400 ) [3] => Array ( [key] => dc:creator [value] => Jeanne Connolly ) [4] => Array ( [key] => guid [value] => 3020 at [attributes] => Array ( [isPermaLink] => false ) ) ) First Wives World The basic front page view. en Taking A Little Road Trip …down memory lane. I woke up early Sunday morning, dreading that I needed to make a trip down to the area where John and I used to live. I had errands that needed to be done there, and I'd been putting it off for weeks.<p>I initially planned on taking the hour-plus bus ride, but at the last minute I decided it would be more convenient to rent a car and drive. </p><p>A few hours later, I was doing 75 in a new red Mustang, the windows rolled down and the wind in my hair. The drive down was relaxing, but I knew the feeling was temporary. </p><p>When I came to the area where we used to live, it was an odd feeling — a little lonely, and a little spooky. </p><p>It was a beautiful sunny day, and I couldn't help but think that were we still married and living there, we would've been driving around in our convertible and heading to the beach for lunch. Maybe we would have been at what was once our home, swimming in the pool. </p><p>I did my best to not dwell too long on such thoughts. It's just not productive.</p><p>I thought about stopping to see a girlfriend of mine, but decided against it. I didn't want to stick around any longer than I had to, and I had a fairly long drive back.</p><p>Walking back into my apartment — my home — was a comforting feeling. This is where I belong now. There are no ghosts of the past here. </p><p>It's just me.</p> wiveswire Wed, 12 Sep 2007 17:30:00 -0400 A.J. Wylder 3035 at Jeff Had to Go I know, &#039;cause Jesus told me so. Dating is such a game, and it seems that simply being single forces you to be a participant whether you want to or not. <p>I told you guys a while back that <a href="/blog_entry/ending_my_fling">I broke things off with Jeff</a>. I was kind about it and very honest. I thought that I left things well, that we could still be friends. </p><p>Now, I'm not so sure.</p><p>I was at a friends barbecue the other day, when Jesus — <a href="/blog_entry/one_mans_biggest_regret">who I mentioned before</a> — pulled me aside to ask what happened between Jeff and I. I told him that I had called Jeff and explained my feelings to him, and said that I just couldn't do this right now. </p><p>Apparently, Jeff had told a completely different story the night several people.</p><p>According to Jesus, Jeff was at our local hangout telling several of our friends that <i>he broke up with me</i>! He told them that we had had a &quot;no strings attached&quot; arrangement, that I got too attached, and he couldn't deal with it. He said he had a confrontation with me where <i>I begged him</i> not to leave <i>me</i>! Can you believe this guy?! </p><p>I guess I really bruised his ego, and for that I feel bad. My girlfriends all wanted me to call and confront him on this, but I feel it'll just create drama. Really, who cares?</p> wiveswire Wed, 12 Sep 2007 16:15:00 -0400 Faith Eggers 3033 at I Think My Libido is Broken Even shirtless men don&#039;t rev me up Okay, not broken, but in serious hibernation. It's funny how quickly this transition has taken place.<p>All summer I took cold showers for two reasons: 1) It was hot outside. 2) My libido was in overdrive. </p><p>I am not kidding about the second one — which in itself is a rather strange realization for me. I will go into more detail about that in another post, soon to follow. </p><p>I thought that between writing for <b>First Wives World</b> and taking a couple of summer courses, my time would be full enough to quell that feeling. I guess I wasn't busy enough. </p><p>That all changed when September 4th rolled around. All of a sudden, energy that previously went to libidinous thoughts was now redirected to thoughts of Inequality, Public Policy and Organizational Misconduct with the same results, I might add, that came from enjoying the &quot;no shirt days&quot; produced by the New York summer head. </p><p>I still get that giddy and flushed feeling, but now it is because of the increased occurrences of intellectual stimulation. And men? Well, I still love them — and love the look of them — but they've taken the form of colleagues, professors and administrators: necessary tools, but completely devoid of all sexuality. </p> wiveswire Wed, 12 Sep 2007 15:30:00 -0400 Akillah Wali 3031 at At the bar at Del Frisco's <p>I'm sitting at the bar having lunch at Del Frisco's steakhouse in NYC and the pretty lady bartender just told me she's so happy to have a woman sitting at the bar because it's usually all men in here. </p><p>Need I say more? My heads spinning around like in the exorcist. </p><p>Meanwhile, I'm trying not to spill anything on my light gray suit because I'm going on <i>The Montel Williams Show</i> with two other <b>First Wives World</b> gal pals this afternoon. It's being taped. Will let you know when it will air. </p><p>Wish us luck. Gotta go because three men are about to sit down next to me. You might want to remember I told you about this place. Wink.</p><p>P.S. Look for Erica the bartender - she'll make sure you'll feel at home if you come alone — just mention my name and <b>First Wives World</b>.</p> wiveswire Wed, 12 Sep 2007 14:00:00 -0400 Debbie Nigro 3048 at Let 'Em Have It Governor says lesbian couple should be granted divorce. <p>A lesbian couple from Rhode Island filed for divorce in their home state, seeking to dissolve their 2004 marriage in Massachusetts, the only state to legalize same-sex marriage. <b></b></p><p><b>Margaret Chambers</b> petitioned for divorce against <b>Cassandra Ormiston</b> in 2006, citing irreconcilable differences.</p><p>The Chief Judge of the Rhode Island Family Court asked the state Supreme Court whether his court has jurisdiction, since Rhode Island law is silent on the legality of same-sex marriage. The Supreme Court certified the question and <a href="/wiveswire/story/humpty_dumpty_fell_wall">requested briefs on the issue</a>. </p><p>As this is the first same-gender divorce case to be heard, twenty friend-of-the-court briefs were filed. Rhode Island <b>Governor Donald Carcieri</b>, a Catholic Republican who has opposed bills to legalize same-sex marriage, argued in his brief that this couple should be allowed to divorce. He maintains that granting the divorce would not mean the state endorses or lends validity to the marriage it is dissolving.</p> wiveswire Wed, 12 Sep 2007 13:30:00 -0400 Rachel Small 3029 at Post-Divorce Hurdles Of Homeownership What do you when the debt is mounting? Through divorce and property settlements, women sometimes end up as the sole owners of homes that they previously owned jointly with their spouses. Women are frequently happy when this happens, but getting the family home in a settlement isn't always a big win. <p>Take for example, the case of a woman who, after careful planning and some spirited negotiation, got the family's luxury home in a hotly-contested divorce settlement. Located in an upscale neighborhood, the home was valued at more than a million dollars. And because it had originally been purchased with her ex-husband some fifteen years earlier, the property had more than quadrupled in value over the years. What's not to be happy about? </p><p>Yes, a mortgage was needed to secure the home, but the monthly payment was well within her ability (or so she thought). She felt compelled to keep the property to avoid changing schools, and to minimize the impact of the divorce on her two sons. &quot;Besides, on my salary, there's no way I'd ever be able to afford another home as nice as this one,&quot; she told me. </p> wiveswire Wed, 12 Sep 2007 12:15:00 -0400 Brian Kilroy 3026 at At The Shows With Mina-Jacqueline Au Tibi, Ghita, Betsey, Bendel, Brundson... What a somber morning it was yesterday as America woke up to be reminded of one of the most tragic days in our history — September 11, 2001.<br /><p>The traffic was horrendous getting to the Bryant Park tents for a 9 a.m. show. I was literally sitting in a cab for half an hour before it moved one New York City block! </p><p>Yesterday's outfit consisted of a <b>Chanel </b>black knit dress with bell sleeves and a pair of <b>Bruno Frisoni </b>pony-hair leopard pumps (they were oh so hot!!). I looked great ... except for the hair ... once again, even though I was able to get a pre-opening appointment with my stylist, it was a waste of time and money. Just like the day before, within the first five minutes of leaving the salon doors, my curls were gone. COMPLETELY GONE! Blame it on the humidity. </p><p>Well, yesterday was a full and exhausting day. Here's a glimpse at my schedule:</p><p>9:00 a.m.: <b>Tibi </b>Show at Bryant Park</p><p>11:00: <b>Ghita </b>Show at Bryant Park</p><p>2:00 p.m.: <b>Betsey Johnson</b> Show at Metropolitan Pavilion</p><p>3:00: showroom appointment at <b>Marie-Chantal</b></p><p>6:30: <b>2(x)ist</b> Show at Metropolitan Pavilion</p><p>8:30: <b>Henri Bendel Ball</b> begins at the Highline Ballroom</p><p>9:00: <b>Jayson Brundson</b> Show at Bryant Park</p><p>10:00: <b>Henri Bendel Ball</b> at the Highline Ballroom</p> wiveswire Wed, 12 Sep 2007 11:00:21 -0400 Mina-Jacqueline Au 3039 at End Of Summer, End Of Marriage Sweden mirrors U.S. in late-summer divorces A large majority of the population in Sweden speak English, and apparently they follow American divorce trends as well. <p>A few weeks ago, I saw a story that said the end of the summer usually sees a rash of divorces. </p><p>People want to take their summer vacations and get their kids off to school for the year before they pull the plug on their marriage. It seems the population of Sweden is thinking the same thing. </p><p>According to a Swedish news organization, 1,400 couples in Stockholm filed for divorce between July 1 and Sept. 7, 15% more than last year. </p><p>I poked fun a while back at the idea of there being a <a href="/wiveswire/story/it_s_divorcing_time_year">&quot;season&quot; for divorce</a>. The more I think about it, though, the more it makes sense. As a family counselor from Sweden points out, the decision to split up has probably already been made — it may just be a matter of people needing time to calmly sort out the details of what's going to happen. </p><p>From that standpoint, it's good that people take their time and consider things carefully. </p><p>Click <a href="">here</a> for more. </p> wiveswire Wed, 12 Sep 2007 09:15:00 -0400 Amanda Lockhart 3022 at Televangelist Will Contest Divorce Bynum, Weeks cry &quot;cruel treatment&quot; <p>Thomas W. Weeks III, the minister accused of attacking his televangelist wife in a hotel parking lot, will contest his estranged wife's petition for divorce. Attorneys for Weeks said they're weighing whether the counterclaim will accuse Juanita Bynum of cruel treatment. Bynum accuses Weeks of cruel treatment.</p><p>Week's attorney says &quot;cruel treatment&quot; is a vague legal term. It's true. What exactly is &quot;cruel treatment&quot; anyway? It could be any number of things. Who do you believe? </p>In this case, Bynum alleges that Weeks choked and pushed her in a hotel parking lot late last month in an incident that stretched from the evening and continued into the next morning. Weeks was charged with aggravated assault and making terroristic threats; he isn't allowed to have contact with Bynum.<p>Bynum, a former hairdresser, became a Pentecostal evangelist, author and gospel singer. Her ministry centers around singles turning away from sexual promiscuity. The couple were married in a million-dollar, televised ceremony. That's &quot;tele-evangelism.&quot; </p>Click <a href="">here</a> for more. wiveswire Wed, 12 Sep 2007 08:09:27 -0400 Katherine McKee 3036 at Locked Away Am I really alone? The apartment that I live in was built in the 1930s, which means it has character. The one down side is that the laundry room is around back and in the basement. <p>So, two weeks ago on Saturday morning I grabbed my laundry and headed down to do my wash. I put my key in the door, stepped inside, and heard the door shut behind me. Then I looked for my keys, only to realize that they were still in the door — on the <i>outside</i>. </p><p>As I tried the door knob, I realized I was locked in — no cell phone, nobody knowing I was down there. I sat down on top of my clothes to think. If I screamed who would hear me? </p><p>I started to panic a little, but then calmed myself down. I had to think. I decided I just had to wait it out. </p><p>I thought of things to do to occupy my time. Thoughts of sitting on top on the washer while it was on the spin cycle went through my mind, but I decided against that. I started doing leg squats and jumping jacks, but after five minutes I'd had enough of that. </p><p>Next, I started singing every song from the <i>Sound of Music</i>, and any other musical I could think of. After singing &quot;Doe A Deer&quot; for the last time, I realized something. </p> wiveswire Tue, 11 Sep 2007 17:30:00 -0400 Jeanne Connolly 3020 at